SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. I. Cas. 1-3. 1929 . Miscellaneous items . For miscellaneous items, exclusive of salaries and labor unless specifically ordered by the House of Representatives, and including reimbursement to the official stenographers to committees for the amounts actually and necessarily paid out by them for transcribing ommi i l and sele ct hearings, fiscal year 1929, $25,390 .43. c For expenses of special and select committees, fiscal year 1929, $4,424.65. Approved, April 26, 1929 . April 29, 1929 . [s. 17 9.1 CHAP. 2.-An Act To authorize the Secretary of Commerce to dispose of the [Public, No . 2 .1
ma rine b iologi cal st ation at Key West, Flori da . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Key West, Fla .
Un ited States o f America in Co ngress assembled, That the Secretary Disposal of marine biological station at, of Com merce is hereby authorized to dispose of the marine biolog ical and land reconveyed . station at Key West, Florida, and to reconvey by quitclaim deed to the Key West Realty Company, Florida, the land conveyed to the United States by said company in deed dated June 10, 1915, and par- ticularly described as follows Description of land . In the city of Key West, county of Monroe and State of Florida, beginning at the southwest corner of a sea wall of concrete bearing north fifty-eight degrees thirty minutes east from a post one hundred and one and two-tenths feet distant, said post being on the north side of the county road and at the eastern end of same, East Martello Tower bearing south eleven degrees thirty minutes west, distant five thousa nd three hundred and fifty fe et ; th ence ru nnin g n ort h tw ent y- three degrees west four hundred and sixty-five feet to an iron bolt bearing south sixty-three degrees thirty minutes east from a post and pile of stones one hundred and fifty-six feet distant ; thence run- ning north sixty-seven degrees east five hundred and twenty-seven and fi ve-tenths feet to an iron bol t at mean high-water line ; th en c e running southerly along said mean high-water line six hundred and forty feet to an iron bolt driven into rock ; thence running south six ty-seven degr ees west one hundred and t wenty-one fe et in line with said sea wall to the place of begi nning, containing four acres, more or less, together with riparian rights, all courses and bearings herein being magnetic . Approved, April 29, 1929 . May 2, 1929 . [H.J. Res.56.]
CHAP. 3 .-Jo int R esolu tion To pr ovide fu nds for the erad ication, control , and [P ub . Res., No. 1.] prevention of the spread of the Mediterranean fruit fly . Resolved by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the Mediterranean fruit United States o f America in Congress assembled, That to enable fly . Sum avai lable for the S ecretary of A griculture to meet the em ergency cause d by the emergency expenses in eradicating, etc .
presence of the Mediterranean fruit fly in the United States, not Vol . 45, p. 895.
to exceed $4,250,000 of the unexpended balance of the appropriation Post, pp . 53, 422. of $5,000, 000 for establishing and enfo rcing noncotton zones carried in the Second Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1928, is hereby made avail- able until June 30, 1930, for necessary expenses for the eradication, control, and prevention of the spread of this pest, the employment of persons and means in the city of Washington and elsewhere, and for other expenses, including objects specified in the Agricultural Vol. 45, pp. 564,1215 . Appropriation Acts for the fiscal years 1929 and 1930 under the heading " Sala ries and general expenses , Plant Quaranti ne and Control Administration," and for necessary investigations, for printing, and for the purchase, maintenance, repair, and operation