Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/461

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S EVENTY-FIR ST CONGRESS . SEss . II . Cn. 341. 1930 . distributing of farm and food products, and for investigation of the economic costs of retail marketing of meat and mea t pro duct s, $816,800, together with $20,000 of the unexpended balance of the appropr iation for this purpos e for t he fisca l year 1929 : Pr ovid ed, That practical forms of the grades recommended or promulgated by the Secretary for wool and mohair may be sold under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, and the receipts therefrom deposited in the Treasury to the credit of miscellaneous receipts . General ves livestock i and livestock informs- fo

Crop and livest ock esti mates : For collectin g, compiling, abst ract- tion .

ing, analyzing, summarizing, interpreting, and publishing data Collectin g, etc., data . relating to agriculture, including crop and livestock estimates, acreage, yield, grades, staples of cotton, stocks, and value of farm crops, and numbers, grades, and value of livestock and livestock products on farms, in cooperation with the Extension Service and Disseminating infor- other Federal, State, and local agencies, $950,000 : Provided, Th at mation of world's sup- $153,00 0 shall be available for collecting and disseminating to ply and need of Amer- ican agri cultural prod . American producers, importers, exporters, and other interested ucts, etc° persons information relative to the world supply of and need for American agricultural products, marketing methods, conditions, prices, and oth er fact ors, a k nowledg e of wh ich is n ecessar y to the advan tageo us d ispos ition of such produ cts in fo reign coun trie s, independently and in cooperation with other branches of the Gov- ernment, State agencies, purchasing and consuming organizations, and persons engaged in the transportation, marketing, and distri- bution of farm and food products, including the purchase of such books and periodicals as may be necessary in connection with this Inten ded cotto n acre- work : Provided further, That no part of the funds herein appro- age planting excluded . priated shall be available for any expense incident to ascertaining, collating, or publishing a report stating the intentions of farmers as to the acreage to be planted in cotton . Perishable farm produ cts .

Market inspection of farm products : For enabling the Secretary Certifying conditions of Agriculture, independently and in cooperation with other branches of shipments thereof, at central markets. of the Government, State a gencies, p u rchasin g and consuming Post, pp . 531, 1268. organizations, boards of trade, chambers of commerce, or other associa tions of busine ss men o r trade organi zations, and pe rsons or corporations engaged in the production, transportation, marketing, and distribution of farm and food products, whether operating in one or more jurisdictions, to investigate and certify to shippers and other interested parties the class, quality, and/or condition of cotton, tobacco, and fr uits and vegeta bles, po ultry, butter, hay, an d other perishable farm products when offered for interstate shipment or when received at such important central markets as the Secretary of Agriculture may from time to time designate, or at points which may be conveniently reached therefrom, under such rules and regu- lations as he m ay presc ribe, i ncluding paymen t of suc h fees as will be reasonable and as nearly as may be to cover the cost for the service rendered : Provided, That certificates issued by the author- ized agents of the department shall be received in all courts of the United States as prima facie evidence of the truth of the statements therein contained, $525,000. Market news service : For collect ing, publishing, a nd distributing, by telegraph, mail, or otherwise, timely information on the market supply and demand, commercial movement, location, disposition, quality, condition, and market prices of livestock, meats, fish, and animal p roducts , dairy and pou ltry pro ducts, fruits a nd vege tables, peanuts and the ir produ cts, gr ain, hay , feeds , and se eds, an d other agricultural products, independently and in cooperation with other branc hes o f the Gov ernme nt, S tate agen cies, purc hasi ng an d con - suming o rganiza tions, a nd pers ons enga ged in the prod uction, trans- Cost of retail market- ing of meats . Balance available . Vol. 45, p. 561 . Provi so . Forms of wool and mohair grades to be sold . Provis o . Legal effect of certifi- cates . Market news serv ice. Collecting, etc., in- formation of livestock, dairy, agriculture, etc ., products .