SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. C$. 353. 1930 .
481 tioned point on the northern boundary of the lighthouse tract, said northern boundary being a true east and west line, the northeast corner of the lighthouse tract is three and three hundred and eighty- one one-thousandths chains true east . Beginning at the northeast corn er of the tract m arked by a woode n post s et at the water's edge, the northern boundary extends true west seven chains to the north- west corner marked by a one-inch gas pipe ; thence true south eleven an d thr ee o ne-hu ndred ths chain s to the water 's ed ge, also marke d by a one-inch gas pipe ; thence by meanders of shore line, north eighty-three degrees fifty-three minutes east, five and fifty-six one- hundredths chains to a point by triangulation ; thence north seven degrees nineteen minutes east, six and fifty-two one-hundredths chains, one chain of which is along sand beach and remainder along wooden retaining wall of south edge of pier ; thence north ten de- grees seven minutes east, one and fourteen one-hundredths chains across wharf to north edge at shore ; thence north eight degrees forty-seven minutes east to a wooden stake at the northeast corner of the tract, containing six and sixty-seven one-hundredths acres, all as per survey of October 20-31, 1911, ex ecuted by R . M . To wson , of the United States General Land Office, approved December 5, 1911 . SEa . 2. The tract of land described in the foregoing section is to inBands, etc ., r ecei ved be given in exchange for, and dependent upon, the Gulf, Mobile and Northern Railroad Company conveying to the United States, by war ranty de ed and su ch abstr acts and certifi cations a s may be neces- sary to convey a title acceptable to the Attorney General of the United States, the following property, consisting of a parcel of land and a pier one thousand and twenty feet long, described in para- gr aphs (a) and (b) of this section . (a) A parcel of land embraced within the boundary of the above- Des cription . mentioned lighthouse reservation, the initial point of which is two hundred an d twenty-seven and sixty-five hundredths feet south seven degrees forty-five minutes west from the northeast corner of the Choctaw Point Lighthouse Reservation and is at the intersection of the west bulkhead line of Mobile River and the center line of the Gulf, Mobile and Northern Railroad Company's Pier Numbered 3 . From the initial point of the parcel the boundary extends north seven degrees forty-five minutes east (true) along said west bulkhead line a distance of one hundred and fifteen feet to a point
- thence to
the left with angle of ninety degrees eighty feet to a point
- thence
to the left with an angle of ninety degrees and parallel to said west bulkhead line a distance of one hundred and ninety feet to a point ; thence to the left with an angle of ninety degrees eighty feet to a point in said west bulkhead line ; thence north seven degrees forty- five minutes east along said west bulkhead line a distance of seventy-five feet to the point of beginning, containing three hundred and forty-eight thousandths acre . (b) A pier of pile and timber construction, mentioned above and A ddit ional pro pert y . known as the Gulf, Mobile and Northern Railroad Company Pier Numbered 3, extending south eighty-one degrees forty-eight min- utes east true from shore, or from the line of bulkhead as it now exists, approximately one thousand and twenty feet long, with all tracks and improvements thereon . SEC. 3 . The said warranty deed shall contain the following ranya' i m way provisions (a) No pier or wharf, exclusive of the present Pier Numbered 2, Restriction on ex. (, which shall remain in its present position and shall not be ex- tention of piers, etc. te nded, sh all be ma intained closer than thr ee hundr ed feet n orthward of Pier Numbered 3 . 57894°-31-31