Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/528

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485 administration and maintenance as a part of the said George Wash- ington Me morial Par kway. SEC . 4 . There is hereby further authorized to be appropriated the Additional sum an- thorized for acquisition sum of $16,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, out of of lands in the District . any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appro- Post, p . 865. priated , for th e acquir ing of s uch land s in the Distric t of Col umbia as are necessary and desirable for the suitable development of the National Capital park, parkway, and playground system, in accord- Vo1.43 p.463. ance with the provisions of the said Act of June 6, 1924, as amended, Amo unt authorized except as in this section otherwise provided . Such funds s hall be annually . appropr iated fo r the fi scal yea r 1931 a nd there after as require d for the expeditious, economical, and efficient accomplishment of the pun- Rei mbu rs eme nt to poses of this Act and shall be reimbursed to the United States from the u nited sta tes, from any funds in the Treasury to the credit of the District of Columbia District revenues . as follows, to wit : $1,000,000 on the 30th day of June, 1931 ; and $1,000,000 on the 30th day of June each year thereafter until the full am ount exp ended he reunder is reimb ursed wi thout in terest . The comms i te sforply- port on sites

pl a- Nation al Ca pital Park and P lannin g Com missi on sh all, b efore pur- grounds, etc . chasing any lands hereunder for playground, recreation center, community center, and similar municipal purposes, request from the Commissioners of the District of Columbia a report thereon . Said et

be c.,tobe of lands, accepted . commissi on is au thorized to acce pt the d onation t o the Un ited Sta tes of any lands deemed desirable for inclusion in said park, parkway, and playground sy ste m, and the donation of any funds for the acquisit ion of s uch land s under this Act . SEC. 5 . The right of Congress to alter or amend this Act is hereby Amendment . reserved .

Congress SEC. 6. Section 4 of Public Act 297 of the Seventieth

Bridge across hells , ~ tomac at Great Falls, entitl ed "A n Act autho rizin g the Great Fall s Bri dge Co mpany , its Va . vo1 .45,p .443,amend- successo rs and a ssigns, to const ruct, ma intain, a nd opera te a bri dge ad. across the Potom ac Riv er at or near Great Falls," approved April 21, 1928, as amended, is hereby amended by adding at the end of said section the following : " Provided, That after the George Washington Memorial Parkway maylg be , acquired' to, is established and the lands necessary for such parkway at and near united ed S tates , , after g Great Falls have been acquired by the United States, the United Washington Memorial States may at any time acquire and take over all right, title, and Parkway. interest in such bridge, its approaches and approach roads, and any interest in real propert y necess ary ther efor, by purchase or by c on- Payman ty demnatio n, payin g theref or not m ore than the cost of said bridge and val. 45, p. 444. its approaches and approach roads, as determined by the Secretary of War under section 6 of this Act plus 10 per centum," Ap prov ed, May 29, 1930 . May 29, 1930 . CHAP. 355 .-An Act To amend section 939 of the Revised Statutes .

[n . R. 5259 .] [Public, No. 285 .] Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the united States Unite d Sta tes of Amer ica i n Cong ress assem bled, That section 939 courts. of the R evised S tatutes of the U nited St ates (sec tion 752 , title 28, amendedeC 939, p .177, United States Code) be, and it is hereby, amended to read as follows : U.S. 0.,p.937. " SEC. 939 . All vessels, goods, wares, or merchandise which shall Condemnatio n and be co ndem ned by virtue of any law res pect ing the rev enue fro m sale of se ized vess els, imports or tonnage, or the registering and recording or the enrolling etc. and licensing of vessels, and for which bonds shall not have been given by the claimant, shall be sold by the marshal or other proper officer of the court in which condemnation shall be had, to the highest bi dder, at public auction, by orde r of suc h court, and at such pla ce as the court may appoint, giving at least fifteen days' notice (except in cases of perishable merchandise) in one or more of the