Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/543

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SESS. II . Cias.400-402 . 1930. CHAP. 400 .-An Act To amend the Act entitled "An Act authorizing the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to settle claims and suits against the District of Columbia," approved February 11, 1929 . Be it enac ted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That s ubsection (a) of section 1 of the Act entitled "An Act authorizing the Com- missioners of the District of Columbi a to settle claims and suits against the District of Columbia," approved February 11, 1929, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows "(a) Arises out of the negligence or wrongful act, either of com- mission or omission, of any officer or employee of the District of Columbia for whose negligence or acts the District of Columbia, if a private individual would be liable prima facie to respond in damages, irrespective of whether such negligence occurred or such ac ts were done in the per form ance of amu nici pal ora gov ern ment al f unct ion of Dis tric t ~ ce ne

of said District : Provided,

g however That nothin herein contained Defense to any suit allowed. shall be construed as depriving the District of Columbia of any defense it may have to any suit, either at law or in equity, which to may be instituted against it or to give any person, corporation, partnership, or association any right to institute any suit against the D ist rict of Colu mbia wh ich did not exis t p rior to the pass age of this Act ." Approved, Ju ne 5, 1930 . June 5, 1930 .

[H. R. 9996.] [Public, No. 305.1 District of Columbia. Claims against, to be settled by the Com- missioners. Vol . 45, p. 1160, amended . Negligent acts, etc ., of employees, whether or not on official duty . Not applicable prior suits. June 5, 1930 .

[H. R.9439.]

CHAP. 40 1 .-An Act To extend the ti mes fo r comme ncing and com pletin g [Public, No. 3 06 .] ' the construction of a bridge across the Kanawha River between Henderson and Point Pleasant, West Virginia . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the T ime extended e

United States of America in Congress assembled, Tha t the time s T ime

for bridg ing, at Hender. fo r commencing and c ompleting the const ruction of a bridge across son, w. Va.

the Kana wha River between a point in or near the town of Hender- son, West Virginia, and a point opposite thereto in or near the city of Point Pleasant, Mason County, West Virginia, authorized to be Vol. 44, p. 1267; Vol, built by Henderson Bridge Company, its successors and assigns, 45, pp. 31 4, 1525, by the Act of Congress approved March 2, 1927, heretofore extended amended. by Act s of Congress approved March 14, 1928, and March 2, 1929, are hereby further extended one and three years, respectively, from March 2, 1930 . SEC . 2. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Appr ove d, J une 5, 1930 . Amendment . June 5, 1930. [H. R .10480 .] [Public, No . 307 .] CHAP. 402 .-An Act To authorize the settlement of the indebtedness of the German Reich to the United States on account of the awzrds of the Mixed Claims Commission, United States and Germany, and the costs of the United States a rmy of occupation . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Germany. Agreement with, for United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary nesseoeto theUnit a of the Treasury, with the approval of the President, is hereby author- St ates . ized to conclude an agreement for the settlement of the indebtedness of the German Reich (hereinafter referred to as Germany) to the Un ited State s of Amer ica u nder the t erms and condi tions set fort h in Senate Document Numb ered 95, Sev ent y-fi rst Congress, second ses- sion . The general terms of the agreement shall be as follows : Terms. ]