e SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. II . Cas . 422, 423, 436 . 1930 .
531 offices in the District of Columbia or elsewhere by contract if deemed necessary, printing and binding, purchase of necessary equipment, StUnder Sec ret ary of charter of vessels, and such other expenses as may be authorized by the Secretary of State . Ap prov ed, June 9, 1930 . June 9, 1930 . CHAP . 423.-Joint Resolution To clarify and amend an Act entitled "An [S.J. Res.167.3 Act conferring jurisdiction upon the Court of Claims to hear, examine, adjudicate, ' [Pub . Res., No. 84.] and e nter judgm ent in any cla ims which the Assin iboi ne In dians may have against the United States, and for other purposes," approved March 2, 1927 . Res olved by the Senate and H ouse o f Representatives o f the Assiniboine Indians. United States of America in Cong ress assembled, That in any action Claims of, against the ending
~ or hereafter brought under the provisions of an Act entitled minted states su b- 1~
milted to Court of "An Act con ferring jurisdiction upon the Court of Claims to hear, Clams examine, adjudicate, and enter judgment in any claims which the Vol . 44,p .1a63 . Assiniboine Indians may have against the United States, and for other purposes," approved March 2, 1927, jurisdiction is hereby con- ferred upon the courts therein named and in the manner therein defined to hear, examine, adjudicate, and render judgment for any Lands app ropr iated damages resulting from the appropriation by the United States to for use of Government or other Indians . its own use or to the use of any other Indian tribe by the treaty of October 17, 1855 (11 Stat . 657), between the Government of the Vol . 11,p .657 . United States and the Blackfeet Nation and other Indian nations therein specified, and/or the Act of Congress of April 15, 1874 (18 Vol. 1s, p. 28. Stat . 28), of any land, title to the occupancy and use of which was in the said Assiniboine Indian Nation by immemorial possession and the rights or claims to which land the last paragraph of Article V of the treaty of Fort Laramie of September 17, 1851, expressly pro- vided, the Assiniboine Nation did not abandon or prejudice ; and if Award of da mages, the said courts shall find that any such lands of the said Indians were if Indian lands a prtated by Unite so appropriated, they shall award damages for the land so appro- States . priated as provided in the said Act of March 2, 1927 : Provided, Proviso . howe ver, That if the courts shall award damages for land appro- credo all owed for pay men ts made. priated by the said treaty of 1855 and/or the said Act of Congress of 1874, the United States shall be allowed credit for any sum or sums pa~id the Assiniboine Indian Nation under the Act of Congress of Vol. 25, p .114 . May 1, 1888 . Approved, June 9, 1930 . CHAP . 436 .-An Act To suppress unfair and fraudulent practices in the marketing of perishable agricultural commodities in interstate and foreign commerce . June 10, 1930 . [S. 108.] [Public, No . 325 .] Be it e nacted by the Senate and House of Repres entatives of the Perishable Agre ._l- United States of Ame ri ca in Congress assembled, That when used tural Commodities in this Act-
Act, 1930 . Post, p. 871. (1) The term "person"' includes individuals, partnerships, Cor- Terms defined . porations, and associations ;
"Pers on ." "Secr etar y ." (2
The term " Secretary " means the Secretary of Agriculture ; ()
" Interstate or foreign 3) The term " interstate or foreign commerce" means commerce commerce ." between any State or Territory, or the District of Columbia and any plac e ou tsid e th ereo f ; or between points within the same State or Territory, or the District of Columbia but through any place outside thereof ; or within the District of Columbia ; (4) The term "perishable agricultural commodity" means any of to "d "Per isha ble agncule the following, whether or not frozen or packed in ice : Fresh fruits and fresh vegetables of every kind and character ;