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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/626

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. CHS . 480-482 . 1930.

583 S E C . 2 . That the provisions of the Act of June 10, 1920, known applaterr Power Act not as the Federal Water Power Act, shall not apply to lands now in- Vol . 41, p. io63. eluded in the Bryce Canyon National Park nor to any lands added to said park under the authority of this Act . Approved, June 13, 1930 . CHAP . 481 .-An Act To exempt the C uster National Forest fr om the [aR. 6130 1 operation of the forest homestead law, and for other purposes .

[Public, No. 353.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, Th at from and after the passage of this Act no applications may be accepted by the Secretary of Agriculture for the classification and listing of any land in the Custer National Forest for homestead entry under the provisions of the Act of June 11, 1906 (Thirty-fourth Statutes, page 233 ; United States Code, title 16, section 506), nor shall any lands be so classified for entry under the provisions of the Act of A ugust 10, 1 912 (T hirty -seve nth St atute s, pa ges 26 9-287 )

Prov ide d,

however, That the Secretary of Agriculture may, in his discretion, list limited tracts when in his opinion such action will be in the public interest and will not be injurious to other settlers or users of the national forest . Approved, June 13, 1930. Custer Nationa l For . est . Homestead entry ap. plications in, etc., re- st ric ted . Vol . 34, p. 233. U. S. C.,p. 423. Vol . 37, p. 287. Proviso . Lim ited t racts may be listed . June 13, 1930 . CHAP . 482.-An Act To provide for the construction and equipment of an [H . R. 8372.] annex to the Library of Congress .

[P ublic , No .354.1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the commis- sion created by the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the acquisi- tion of certain property in the District of Columbia for the Library of Congress, and for other purposes," approved May 21, 1928, is authorized and directed to provide for the construction and equip- ment of a fireproof annex to the Library of Congress (including approaches, connections with the Capitol power plant, and archi- tectural landscape treatment of the grounds) . Such building shall be constructed on the site acquired under the provisions of such Act of May 21, 1928. It shall contain suitable space for book, newspaper, and file stacks ; for storage, reference, and other rooms ; offices for the Copyright Office, card service, and the branch printing office and bindery . It shall be connected by a suitable tunnel with the Library of Congress, for which purpose the necessary structural changes in the Library of Congress building and additions to the said building are authorized . Such annex shall be equipped with such furnishings and mechanical and other equipment and apparatus as may be necessary, including equipment and apparatus required for transpor tation and communication between the Library of Congress and the a nnex . SEC. 2 . All plans for the construction or alteration of buildings under authority of this Act shall be approved by the commission . The Architect of the Capitol, under the direction of the commission, is authorized, in carrying out the provisions of this Act, to enter into contracts to purchase materials, supplies, equipment, and acces- sories in the open market, to employ necessary personnel, including a rchite ctura l, eng ineer ing, and ot her p rofes sional serv ices, witho ut reference to section 35 of the Act approved June 25, 1910 (United States Code, title 40, section 265), section 3709 of the Revised Library of Con gress . Annex for, to be con . str ucted by co mmis . sion on acqui red site. Vol . 45, p. 622. Space to be provided. Plans, etc ., to be ap- proved by commission. Co nst ruc tio n, etc ., under Architect of the Capitol . Professional service req uirem ents w aived . Vol. 36. P. 699 . U .S .C,p 1303 .