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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/634

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591 PAR. 4. Alcohol : Amyl, butyl, hexyl, and pr opy l, all the fore -

SCHEDULE 1 . going whether primary, secondar y , or tertiary ; fusel oil ;; and mix-pai nts. Chemicals, oils, and , tures in chief value of any one or more of the foregoing, 6 cents Alcohol . per pound ; methyl or wood (or methanol), 18 cents per gallon ; and ethyl for nonbeverage purposes only, 15 cents per gallon . PAR. 5. All chemical elements, all chemical salts and compounds, in Chemical om cal and et dio all medi cinal prep arati ons, a nd al l com binat ions and m ixtur es of any of the foregoi ng, all the fo regoing obtain ed natu rally or arti - ficiall y and not s pecially pr ovided for, 2 5 p er centum ad valorem . PAR. 6. Aluminum hydroxide or refined bauxite, one-half of 1 Aluminum . cent per pound ; potassium aluminum sulphate or potash alum and ammonium aluminum sulphate or am mo nia alum, three-fourths of 1 cent per pound ; aluminum sulphate, alum cake or aluminous cake, containing not m ore t han 15 per centum of alumina and mo re ir on than the equivalent of one-tenth of 1 per centum of ferric oxide, one-fifth of 1 cent per pound ; containing more than 15 per cent um of alumina or not more iron than the equivalent of one-tenth of 1 per centum of ferric oxide, three-eighths of 1 cent per pound ; all other aluminum salts and compounds not specially provided for, 25 per centum ad valorem . PAR. 7. Ammo nium carbo nate and bicarbonate, 2 cents per pound ; Ammonium . ammonium chloride, 1 1/4 cents per pound ; ammonium nitrate, 1 cent per pound ; ammonium perchlorate and ammonium phosphate, 11 /2 cents per pound ; liquid anhydrous ammonia, 21/2 cents per pound . PAR. 8. Antimony : Oxide, 2 cents per pound ; tartar emetic or Antimony . potassium-antimony tartrate, 6 cents per pound ; sulphides and other antimony salts and compounds, not specially provided for, 1 cent per pound and 25 per c entum ad va lorem . PAR. 9. Argols, tartar, and wine lees, containing 90 per centum or Argols, tartrates, etc, more of potassium bitartrate, 5 cents per pound ; cream of tartar, 5 cen ts per pound ; Rochelle salts or potassium-sodium tartrate, 5 cents per pound. PAR. 10. Balsams : Copaiba, fir or Canada, Peru, tolu, styrax, and Balsams . all other balsams, all the foregoing which are natural and uncom- Proviso . pounded, 10 per centum ad valorem : Provided, That no article con- Nonalcoholic . taining alcohol shall be classified for duty under this paragraph .

ohms. PAR. 11. Amber and amberoid unmanufactured, not specially provided for, 50 cents per pound ; synthe tic g ums a nd re sins not specially provided for, 4 cents per pound and 30 per centum ad valorem ; arabic or senegal, one-half of 1 cent per pound . PAR . 12. Barium carbonate, precipitated, 1 1/2 cen ts per pound ; Barium. barium chloride, 2 cents per pound ; barium dioxide, 6 cents per pound ; barium hydroxide, 11/ 4 cents per pound ; barium nitrate, 2 cents per pound ; and barium oxide, 21/2 cents per pound . PAR . 13 . Blackings, powders, liquids, and creams for cleaning or Blackings, etc . pol ishin g, no t spe ciall y prov ided for, 25 per centum ad valorem Provided, That no preparations containing alcohol shall be classified Nonalcoholic . for duty under this paragraph . PAR . 14. Bleaching powder or chlorinated lime, three-tenths of Bleaching powder . 1 cent per pound . PAR . 15. Caffeine, $1 .25 per pound ; caffeine citrate, 75 cents per Caffeine . p~ou nd ; compounds of caffei ne, 25 per centum ad valorem ; theo- bromine, 75 cents per pound. PAR. 16. Calcium carbide, 1 cen t per pound ; calcium acetate, Calcium carbide . crude, 1 cent per pound ; calcium oxalate, 4 cents per pound . PAR . 17 . Calomel, corrosive sublimate, and other mercurial prcpa- Calomel . rations, 22 cents per pound and 25 per centum ad valorem . PAR. 18. Carbon tetrachloride, 1 cent per pound

chloroform, 4 Chloroform, etc .

cen ts per pound ; tetrachloroethane and trichloroethylene, 30 per centum ad valo rem .