SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. Cs. 497. 1930 .
597 PAR . 40. Formaldehyde solution or formalin, 13/ 4 cents per pound ;
SCHEDULE '. solid formaldehyde or paraformaldehyde, 8 cents per pound ; and pa h micals, oils, and hexamethylenetetramin e, 11 cents per pound .
Formaldehyde, etc. PAR. 41 . Edible gelatin, valued at less than 40 cents per pound, 20 Gelatin, edible, etc . per centum ad valorem and 5 cents per pound ; valued at 40 cents or more per pound, 20 per centum ad valorem and 7 cents per pound ; gelatin, glue, glue size, and fish glue, not specially provided Glue. for, valued at less than 40 cents per pound, 25 per centum ad valorem and 2 cents per pound ; valued at 40 cents or more per pound, 25 per centum ad valorem and 8 cents per pound ; agar agar, pectin, isinglass, and manufactures, wholly or in chief value of gelatin, glue, or glue size, 25 per centum ad valorem ; casein glue, 30 per c entum ad valorem . PAR . 42. Glycerin, crude, 1 cent per pound ; refined, 2 cents per Glycerin . pound . PAR . 43 . Ink, and ink powders not specially provided for, 10 per Ink . centum ad valorem ; drawing ink, 15 per centum ad valorem . PAR . 44 . Iodine, resublimed, 10 cents per pound .
Iodine . PAR . 45. Bromine and all bromine compounds not specially pro- Bromine . vided for, 10 cents per pound . PAR . 46 . Lead : Acetate, white, 21 /2 cents per pound ; acetate, poun ds . •chemical com- brown, gray, or yellow, 2 cents per pound ; nitrate, arsenate, and resinate, 3 cents per pound ; and all other lead compounds not spe- ciall y prov ided for, 30 per cent um ad valor em . PAR. 47. Licorice, e xtracts of, in pastes, rolls, or other forms , 20 Licorice . per centum ad valorem . PAR. 48 . Lime, citrate of, 7 cents per pound ; juice of lemons, Lime, citrateof . limes, oranges, or other citrous fruits, unfit for beverage purposes, 5 cents per pound . PAR. 49 . Magnesium : Carbonate, precipitated, 11 /2 c ents per cam agnesium chemi- pound ; manufactures of carbonate of magnesia, 2 cents per pound ; chloride, anhydrous, 1 cent per pound ; chloride, not specially pro- vided for, five-eighths of 1 cent per pound ; sulphate or Epsom salts, three-fourths of 1 cent per pound ; oxide or calcined magnesia, 7 cents per pound . PAR. 50 . Manganese : Borate, resinate, sulphate, and other man- c M~ganesa •hems' ganese compounds and salts, not specially provided for, 25 per centum ad valorem .
Me nt hol and cam- PAR . 51 . Menthol, 50 cents per pound ; natural crude camphor, 1 phor ' cent per pound
- natural refined camphor 5 cents per pound ; syn-
thetic camphor, 5 cents per pound . If at the end of three years after dome tea on prducti'n t the enactment of this Act, the President finds that during the preced- equal to consumption ing six months the domestic production by quantity of synthetic at desig nated periods . camphor did not exceed 25 per centum of the domestic consumption thereof by quantity, or, at the end of four years after the enactment of this Act, that during the preceding six months such domestic prod uction did not e xceed 30 pe r cent um of such consu mptio n, or, at the end of five years after the enactment of this Act, that during the preceding six months such domestic production did not exceed 50 per centum of such consumption, he shall by proclamation so declare and, after six months thereafter, the rate on synthetic cam- phor shall be 1 cent per pound . To assist the President in making iff commission and re- the inves tigat ion re quire d by this p rovis ion, t he Ta riff Commis sion port to the President to determine . is empowered to investigate, to such extent as may be necessary, in Post, p.Col. the manner provided in the case of investigations under section 336 of this Act, and shall report to the President the result of its investi- gation. PAR. 52. Oils, animal and fish : Sod, herring, and menhaden 5 Animal and fish oil, >
fats and greases . cents per gallon ; whale and seal, 6 cents per gallon ; sperm, crude, 10 cents per gallon ; sperm, refined or otherwise processed, 14 cents