Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/647

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e arthenware, a nd cream-colo red ware, ter ra cotta, and stoneware, Earls s,eartbenware, and glassware . including clock cases with or without movements, pill tiles, plaques, ornaments, charms, vases, statues, statuettes, mugs, cups, steins lamps, and all other articles composed wholly or in chief value oil such ware ; plain white, plain yellow, plain brown, plain red, or plain black, not painted, colored, tinted, stained, enameled, gilded, printed, ornamented, or decorated in any manner, and manufactures in chief value of such ware, not specially provided for, 10 cents per dozen pieces and 45 per centum ad valorem ; painted, colored ti nted, stained, enameled, gild ed, printed, ornamented, or d ecorated in any manne r, and manufa ctures in chi ef value of s uch ware, not specially provided for, 10 cents per dozen pieces and 50 per centum ad valorem . othervitirpified waxes nd PAR. 212 . China, porcelain, and other vitrified wares, including c hemical porcelain ware an d chemic al stone ware, com posed of a vitrified nonabsorbent body which when broken shows a vitrified or v itre ous, or semi vitr ifie d or sem ivit reou s fr actu re, and all bis que and parian wares, including clock cases with or without movements, plaques, pill tiles, ornaments, charms, vases, statues, statuettes, mugs, cups, steins, lamps, and all other articles composed wholly or in ch ief value of such ware, plain white, not painted, colored, tinted, stained, enameled, gilded, printed, or ornamented or decorated in any manner, and manufactures in chief value of such ware, not specially provided for, 60 per centum ad valorem ; painted, colored, tinted, stained, enameled, gilded, printed, or ornamented or decorated i n any manner, and manufact ures in chief value of suc h ware, not s pecially prov ided for, 70 per centum ad valorem . In add iti on to the foregoing there shall be paid a duty of 10 cents per dozen se parate pieces on all tablewar e, kitchenware, and table and kitchen utensils . Graphite .

PAR. 213. Graphite or plumbago, crude or refined : Amorphous, 10 per centum ad valorem ; crystalline lump, chip, or dust, 30 per seflysta11ine sake de- centum ad valorem ; crystalline flake, 1 6 %oo cents per pound . As used in this paragraph, the term "crystalline flake' means graphite or pl umbago w hich occu rs disse minated as a rela tively t hin flak e thr oughout its c ontaining roc k, decomposed or not, and which may be or has been s eparated ther efrom by ordi nary crushin g, pulver- izing, screening, or mechanical concentration process, such flake being made up of a number of parallel laminae, which may be sep arated by mec hanical means . Articles bstanc9 or PAR . 214. Earthy or mineral substances wholly or partly manu- factured and articles, wares, and materials (crude or advanced in condition), composed wholly or in chief value of earthy or mineral substances, not specially provided for, whether susceptible of decora- tion or not, if not decorated in any manner, 30 per centum ad valorem ; if decorated, 40 per centum ad valorem . Gas retorts, etc ° PAP. 215 . Gas retorts, 20 per centum ad valorem ; la va tips for burners, 10 cents per gross and 15 per centum ad valorem ; and magnesia c lay supporters, consisting of rings, rods, and other forms carbons, etc ., for for gas mantles, 35 per centum ad valorem . electrical appliances . PAR. 216. Carbons and electrodes, of whatever material composed, and wholly or partly manufactured, for producing electric arc light, if less than one-half inch in diameter or of equivalent cross-sectional area, 60 per centum ad valorem ; if one-half inch or more in diameter or of equivalent cross-sectional area, 45 per centum ad valo rem ; electrodes, composed wholly o r in part of carbon or graph- ite, and wholly or partly manufactured, for electric furnace or elec- tr oly tic pur pos es ; brushe s, of wha tever ma terial c omposed, and wholly or partly manufactured, for electric motors, generators, or other electrical machines or appliances ; plates, rods, and other