Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/652

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609 PAR . 234. (a) Granite suitable for use as monumental, paving, or Rartt hs, e arth enwar e, buildi ng sto ne, no t spec ially provid ed for, hewn, dress ed, po inted, and glassware . pitched, lined, or polished, or otherwise manufactured, 60 per centum Granite . ad valorem ; unmanufactured, or not dressed, pointed, pitched ; lined, hewn, or polished, 25 cents per cubic foot . (b) Travertine stone, unmanufactured, or not dressed, hewn, or Travertine stone . polished, 25 cents per cubic foot .

Freestone, etc., for (c) Freestone, sandstone, limestone, lava, and all other stone suit- monuments or build- able for use as monumental or building stone, except marble, breccia, 'ngs . and onyx, not specially provided for, hewn, dressed, or polished, or ' otherwise manufactured, 50 per centum ad valorem ; unmanufac- tured, or not dressed, hewn, or polished, 15 cents per cubic foot .

date . PAR. 235. Sl ate, s lates, slate chimn ey pie ces, m antels, slabs for tabl es, r oofin g sla tes, and all o ther manu factu res of sl ate, not specially provided for, 25 per centum ad valorem .

Watch crystal s . PAR. 236. Watch crystals or watch glasses, finished or unfinished, 60 per centum ad valorem . SCHEDULE 3. SCHEDULE 3 .-METALS AND MANUFACTURES OF


and manu. factures of. PAR . 301 . Iron in pigs and iron kentledge, $1 .121/.2 per ton ; Iron . spiegeleisen containing more than 1 per centum of carbon, 75 cents per ton ; granular or sponge iron, $2 .25 per ton ; wrought and cast scrap iron, scrap steel, hammer scale, roll scale, and mill scale, 75 Pp•egeleisen s cents per ton : Provided, That spiegeleisen for the purposes of this Act shall be an iron manganese alloy containing less than 30 per Scrap iron or steel . centum of manganese : Provid ed fu rther , That nothing shall be deemed scrap iron or scrap steel except secondhand or waste or refuse iron or steel fit only to be remanufactured : Provided further, Additional duty on That an additional duty of $1 per pound on the vanadium content in desig nate d all oy c on_ excess of one-tenth of 1 per centum, 72 cents per pound on the Len t . tungsten content in excess of two-tenths of 1 per centum, 65 ce nts per pound on the molybdenum content in excess of two-tenths of 1 per centum, and 3 cents per pound on the chromium content in excess of two-tenths of 1 per centum, shall be levied, collected, and paid on all the foregoing .

steel allo ys. PAR. 302 . (a) Manganese ore (including ferruginous manganese Ma ngan ese . ore) or conce ntrate s, and manga nifero us iron ore, all th e fore going contain ing in exces s of 1 0 per centum of met allic mangan ese, 1 cent per pound on the metallic manganese contained therein . (b) Molybdenum ore or concentrates, 35 cents per pound on the Mo lybd enum , metal lic m olybd enum cont ained the rein . (c) Tungsten ore or concentrates, 50 cents per pound on the Tungsten ° metalli c tung sten c ontain ed the rein . (d) Ferromanganese containing more than 1 per centum of carbon, Ferromanganese . 17 /8 cent s pe r pou nd on the meta llic manga nese cont ained the rein Provi ded, That ferr omang anese for the purpo ses of th is Ac t sh all cnient. b e such iron manganese alloys as contain 30 per centum or more of mang anese .

Manganese metal, (e) Manganese metal, manganese silicon, manganese boron, and etc . ferromanganese and spiegeleisen containing not more than 1 per centum of carbon, 17/8 cents per pound on the manganese contained therein and 15 per centum ad valorem .

Ferromolybdenum, (f) Ferromolybdenum, metallic molybdenum, molybdenum powder, etc . calcium molybdate, and all other compounds and alloys of molyb- denum, 50 cents per pound on the molybdenum contained therein and 15 per centum ad valorem . (g) Tungsten metal, tungsten carbide, and mixtures or combing- Tungsten metal, etc. ti ons conta ining tun gsten met al or tun gsten ca rbide, al l the for egoing, in lumps, grains, or powder, 60 cents per pound on the tungsten 57894'-31 39