Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/667

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shall be denied, if such trade name or trade-mark has been placed faetures ofd menu- on file with the collector of customs . Parts dutiabl e .

(c) Parts for any of the foregoing shall be dutiable as follows

Imported in same

(1) Parts (except plates provided for in clause (2) of this shipment . subparagraph, and jewels) imported in the same shipment with complete movements, mechanisms, devices, or instruments, pro- v ided for in su bparagraph (a ) of this par agraph (whethe r or not suitable for use in such movements, mechanisms, devices, or instruments), 45 per centum ad valorem ; but this clause of this subparagraph shall not be applicable to that portion of all the parts in the shipment which exceeds in value 11/2 per ce ntum of the v alue of such c omplete movem ents, mechani sms, devices, or instruments ; Plates for assembling . (2) a plate suitable for assembli ng thereon th e clockwork me chanism const ituting or con tained in any of the foreg oing movements, mechanisms, devices, or instruments, shall be sub- je ct to one-hal f the amount o f duty which would be born e by th e complete mo vement, mechan ism, device, or instrument for which suitable . If two or more such plates are imported together they shall be dutiable as one plate if they are necessary, as a set, for such assembling ; se Asse mbly bly or subas- (3) each assembly or subassembly (unless dutiable under cl ause (1) or ( 4) of this sub paragraph con sisting of tw o or more parts or pieces of metal or other material joined or fas- tened together shall be subject to a duty of 65 per centum ad valorem and, in addition, to a duty of 3 cents for each such part or piece of material, except that in the case of jewels the specific duty shall be 25 cents instead of 3 cents . For the pur- p ose of this cla use and cla use (4), bimetallic balance wheels, and main springs with riveted ends, shall each be considered as one part or piece ; Addit ional duty . (4) each assembly or subassembly consisting in part of a plate or plates provided for in clause (2) of this subparagraph shall be subject to the'rate of duty provided for such plate or plates, and, in addition, to a duty of 5 cents for each part or piece of material (except such plate or plates) in such assem- bly or subassembly, except that in the case of jewels the specific duty shall be 25 cents instead of 5 cents ; Limitation . (5) no assembly or subassembly shall be subject to a greater amount of duty than would be borne by the complete movement, mechanism, device, or instrument for wh ich suitable ; All other parts .

(6) all other parts (except jewels), 65 per centum ad valorem . Dials .

(d) Dials for any movements, mechanisms, devices, or instruments enumerated or described in this paragraph or in paragraph 367 (ex cept dials spe cifically pro vided for in paragraph 367) , when Marking required. imported separately, 50 per centum ad valorem . All such dials (whether imported separately or attached to any of the foregoing) shall have stamped, cut, engraved, or die sunk, conspicuously and indelibly thereon the name of the country of manufacture


marking, if the dial is imported attached to any of the foregoing movem ents, mechani sms, devices, or instrument s, shall be p laced on the face of the dial in such manner as not to be obscured by any part of the case, container, or housing . C ases, contai ners, etc . (e) Cases, containers, or housings suitable for any of the move- me nts, me chan isms , d evic es, or inst rume nts enu mera ted or desc rib ed in this paragraph, not specially provided for, when imported sepa- Marki ng required . rately, 45 per centum ad valorem . Any such case, container, or housing, whether imported separately or attached to any of the foreg oing movement s, mechanisms, devices, or instruments, shall