Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/676

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633 PAR . 716 . Honey, 3 cents per pound .

SCHEDULE 7. PAR. 717. (a) Fish, fresh or frozen (whether or not packed in Agricultural prod- ucts and provisions . ice) , wh ole, or behe aded or evis cera ted or b oth, but not further Honey . adva nced (ex cept that the fins may be removed)

Halibut, salmon,

mackerel, and swordfish, 2 cents per pound ; other fish, not specially provided for, 1 cent per pound . (b) Fish, fresh or frozen (whether or not packed in ice), filleted, Skinned, boned, etc. sk inned, b oned, sl iced, or divided into po rtions, not spec ially pr o- vided for, 21/2 cents per pound . (c) Fis h, dried and unsalted : Cod, haddock, hake, pollock, and Dried, unsalted . cusk, 21/2 cents per pound ; other fish, 11/4 cents per pound . PAR. 718. (a) Fish, prepared or preserved in any manner, when Packed in oil . packed in oil or in oil and other substances, 30 per centum ad valorem. (b) Fish, prepared or preserved in any manner, wh en packed in Packed in air-tight air-tight containers weighing wi th their contents not more than containers . fifteen pounds each (except fish packed in oil or in oil and other substances) : Salmon , 25 per cent um ad v alorem ; other fish, 25 per centum ad valorem . PAR . 719 . Fish, pickled or salted (except fish packed in oil or in Pickled or salted . oil and other substances and except fish packed in air-tight containers weig hing with their cont ents not more than fifteen pounds each) (1) Salmon, 25 per centum ad valorem ;

salmon . (2) cod, haddock, hake, pollock, and tusk, neither skinned nor nr n"n .,notskinned boned (except that the vertebral col umn may be r emov ed), 11/4 cents per pound when containing not more than 43 per centum of moisture by weight, and three-fourths of 1 cent per pound when containing more than 43 per centum of moisture by weight ; (3) cod, haddock, hake, pollock, and tusk, skinned or boned, Skinned or boned . whether or not dried, 2 cents per pound ; (4) herring and mackerel, whether or not boned, in bulk or in em erring and mack- immediate containers weighing with their contents mo re th an fifteen pounds each, 1 cent per pound net weight ; in immediate containers (not air-tight) weighing with their contents not more th an fifteen pounds each, 25 per centum ad valorem ; (5) other fish, in bulk or in immediate containers weighing Other fish in buck . with t heir con tents mo re than fifteen pounds e ach, 11 /4 cents per pound net weight ; in immediate containers (not air-tight) weigh- ing with their contents not more than fifteen pounds each, 25 per centum ad valorem . PAR. 720 . (a) Fish, smoked or kippered (except fis h packed in Smoked or kippered . oil or in oil and other substances and except fish packed in air- tight containers weighing with their contents not more than fifteen pounds each) :

Salmon . (1) Salmon, 25 per centum ad valorem ; (2) herring, whole or beheaded, but not further advanced, Herring . 11 /4 cents per pound ; (3) herr ing, evis cera ted, spli t, sk inne d, b oned, or divid ed i nto portions, 3 cents per pound ; (4) co d, haddo ck, hake , polloc k, and t usk, who le, or b eheaded Cod, etc . or eviscerated or both, but not further advanced (except that the vertebral column may be removed), 21/2 cents per pound ; (5) co d, haddo ck, hake , polloc k, and c usk, fil leted, s kinned, boned, sliced, or divided into portions, 3 cents per pound ;

Other fish . (6) ot her fish , 25 per centum ad valor em . (b) Fish, prepared or preserved, not specially provided for, in taiers .~ediate con. immediate containers weighing with their contents not more than fifteen pounds each, 25 per centum ad valorem ; in bul k or in immediat e contai ners, we ighing w ith thei r content s more t han fift een pounds each, 11/,1 cents per pound net weight .