SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SEss . II. CH. 497. 1930 .
645 PAR. 1009. (a) Woven fabrics, not including articles finished or
SC HED ULE 10. unfinished, of flax, hemp, or ramie, or of which these substances or manu factures Flax, hemp, ofnufac
jute, and . any of the m is the component material o f chief value (except such as Flax, hemp, or ramie. are common ly used as paddings or interl inings in clothing), exceed- ing thirty and not exceeding one hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, weighing not less than four and not mor e than tw elve oun ces per square y ard, and exceedin g twelve inches but not exceeding thirty-six inches in width, 55 per centum ad valorem . (b) Wov en fabri cs, such as are c ommonly used for paddins or linings addings and int er- r, interlinin gs in clothing, wholly or in chief value of flax, or hemp, or of which these substances or either of them is the component material of chief value, exceeding thirty and not exceeding one hundr ed and twenty threads to t he square in ch, counting the warp and filling, and weighing not less than four and one-half and not more than twelve ounces per square yard, 55 per centum ad valorem ; wholly or in chief value of jute, exceeding thirty threads to the J ute . square inch, counting the warp and filling, and weighing not less than four and one-half ounces and not more than twelve ounces per squar e yard, 50 pe r centum ad v alorem . (c) Woven fabrics, in the piece or otherwise, wholly or in chief Ar tis ts' can vas . value of vegetable fiber, except cotton, filled, coated, or otherwise prepared f or use as artists' canvas, 45 per centum ad valorem . PAR. 1010 . Woven fabrics, not including articles finished or unfin- Not specially pro. ished, of flax, hemp, ramie, or other vegetable fiber, except cotton, or tined fo r, except c ot- of which these substances or any of them is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for, 40 per centum ad valorem . PAR. 1011 . Plain-woven fabrics, not including articles finished or Plain w ov en fabrics . unfinished, wholly or in chief value of flax, hemp, ramie, or other Flax, etc . vegetable fiber, except cotton, weighing less than four ounces per squ are yard, 35 per centum ad valorem . PAR. 1012 . Pile fabrics, whether or not the pile covers the entire P ile fabr ics . surface, wholly or in chief value of vegetable fiber, except cotton, and all articles, finished or unfinished, made or cut from such pile fabrics If the pile is wholly cut or wholly uncut, 45 per centum ad valorem
if the pile is partly cut, 50 per centum ad valorem . PAR. 1013 . Table damask, wholly or in chief value of vegetable Cotton excepted . fiber, except cotton, and all articles, finished or unfinished, made or c ut from such damask, 45 pe r centum ad v alorem . PAR. 1014. Towels and napkins, finished or unfinished, wholly or Towels, napkins, in chief value of flax, hemp, o r ramie, or of which these su bstances sh Flaahemp,orramieror any of them is the component material of chief value, not exceed- ing one hundred and twenty threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, 55 per centum ad valorem ; exceeding one hun- dred and twenty threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, 40 per centum ad valorem ; sheets and pillowcases, wholly or in chief value of flax, hemp, o r ramie, or of which these su bstances or any of them is the component material of chief value, 40 per centum ad valorem. PAR . 1015 . Fabrics, with fast edges, not exceeding twelve inches ed Fabr ics wit h fast ges . in width, and articles made therefrom ; tubings, garters, suspenders, V egeta ble fib er, not braces, cords, tassels, and cords and tassels ; all the foregoing, wholly cot ton . or in chief value of vegetable fiber, except cotton, or of v egetable fiber, except cotton, and india rubber, 35 per centum ad valorem ; tapes, wholly or in part of flax, woven with or without metal threads, on reels, spools, or otherwise, and designed expressly for use in the manufacture of measuring tapes, 30 per centum ad va lorem . PAR . 1016. Handkerchiefs, wholly or in chief value of vegetable Handkerchiefs . fiber, excep t cotton, fin ished or unfi nished, not h emmed, 35 per centum ad valorem ; hemmed or hemstitched, or unfinished having