SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. Cii . 497 . 1930 .
675 PAR . 1621 . Bibles, comprising the books of the Old or New Testa-
FREE LIST . anent, or both, bound or unbound .
Bib les . PAR . 1622 . All binding twine manufactured from New Zealand Binding twine . hemp, henequen, manila, istle or Tampico fiber, sisal grass, or sunn, or a mixture of any two or more of them, of single ply and measuring not exceeding seven hundred and fifty feet to the pound .
Bread . PAR. 1623 . Bread : Provided, That no article shall be exempted yeas t req uire ment . from duty as bread unless yeast was th e leavening su bstance used in its preparation . PAR . 1624 . Fish sounds . Fish soun ds . PAR . 1625 . Blood, dried, not specially provided for . Dried blood . PAR . 1626 . Bolting cloths composed of silk, imported expressly for Bolting clot hs . milling purposes, and so permanently marked as not to be available for any other use . PAR . 1627 . Bones : Crude, steamed, or ground ; bone dust, bone Bone s, fe rtili zers . meal, and bone ash ; and animal carbon suitable only for fertilizing purposes . PAR . 16 28 . Books, engravings, photographs, etchings, bound or m Bookse, for Govern. unbound, maps and charts imported by authority or for the use of the United States or for the use of the Library of Congress . PAR . 1629 . Hydrographic charts and publications issued for their for g egn•public char ts, subscribers or exchanges by scientific or literary associations or ments, etc . academies, and publications of individuals for gratuitous private circ ulat ion, not adv erti sing mat ter, and pub lic docu ment s is sued by foreign Governments ; books, maps, music, engravings, photographs, thBn oso printed more etchings, lithographic prints, bound or uiabound, and charts, which imported . have been prin ted more than twenty years at the time o f importa- tion : Provided, That where any such- books have been rebound wholly Rebi nding dutiab le, or in part in leather within such period, the binding so placed upon Ante, p.656. such boo ks s hall be duti able as prov ided in para grap h 1410 . PAR. 1630 . Books and pamphlets printed wholly or chiefly in lan- Books in other ian a a es other tha n English ;; book s,
and music, in raised ~Foors pinth e blind . print, used exclusively by or for the pamphlets, bind ; Braille tabets, cuba- rithms, specia l apparatus a nd objects se rving to teach the blind, including printing apparatus, machines, presses, and types for the use and benefit of the blind exclusively .
Books, etc., for pub. PAR . 1631 . Any soc iety or inst itut ion inco rpor ated or esta blis hed lie s ociet ies, etc, solely for religious, philosophical, educational, scientific, or literary purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, or any college, academy, school, or seminary of learning in the United States, or any Stat e or pub lic libr ary, may imp ort free of duty any boo k, m ap, music, engraving, photograph, etching, lithographic print, or chart, for its own use or for the encouragement of the fine arts, and not for sale, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may p rescribe . PAR . 1632 . Books, libraries, usual and reasonable furniture, and Books, househ old ef , similar household effects of persons or families from foreign coun- fects used abr oad . tries if actually used abroad by them not less than one year, and not intended for any other person or persons, nor for sale . PAR . 1633 . Borax, crude or unmanufactured, and borate of lime, Borax . borate of soda, and other borate material, crude and unmanufactured, not specially provided for . PAR . 1634 . Brass, old brass, clippings from brass or Dutch metal, Brass, old . all the foregoing, fit only for remanufacture . PAR . 1635 . Brazilian or pichurim beans .
Brazilian beans . PAR. 1636 . Brazilian pebble, unwro ught or unman ufactured .
Brazilian pebble . PAR . 1637 . Bristles, crude, not sorted, bunched, or prepared .
Bristles . PAR . 1638 . Bullion, gold or silver .
Bul lion . PAR . 1639 . Burgundy pitch .
Burgundy pitch . PAR. 1640 . Burrstones, manufactured or bound up into millstones . B urrst ones .