678 FREE LI ST . L ive ga me animals and birds . Goldbeaters' molds, etc . Textile fibers, un- manufactured . Fe rtiliz ers. Gums and resins. Explosives . Proviso . Countervailing duty on imports from coun- try taxing American prod uct s. Animal hair, unman- ufactured . Glue stock Rawhide rope . Hides, India wat er buffal o, Hones . Hoofs . Horns Ho rses , etc., for slaugh ter . Ice . Ind ia rubb er, etc ., crude . Iodine. Iridium . etc. Iron ore. Ivory tusks. Jet . Joss stick. Waste rope . Kelp . Kieserite. Lac. Lava. Leeches. Asp halt, etc . SEVE NTY- FIRS T CONGRESS . SEss. II. CH. 497 . 1930 . PAR. 1682. Li ve game animals and birds, imported for stocking purposes, and game animals and birds killed in foreign countries by res ident s of the Unit ed St ates and impo rted by t hem for n onco mmer- cial purpo ses ; under su ch regulations as the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe . PAR. 1683. Goldbeaters' molds and goldbeaters' skins . PAR . 1684 . Grasses and fibers : Heneq uen, s isal, manil a, jut e, ju te butts, kapok, istle or Tam pi co fiber, New Ze al and fiber, su nn, maguey, ramie or China grass, raffia, pulu, and all other textile grasses or fibrous veg etable substances , not dressed or manufactured in any manner, and not specially provided for . PAR. 1685. Guano, basic slag (ground or unground), manures, and (notwithstanding any other provision of this Act) those grades of all other substances used chiefly for fertilizers , or chiefly as an ingredient in the manufacture of fertilizers. PAR . 1686. Gums and resins : Damar, kauri, copal, chicle, dragon's blood, kadaya , sandarac, trag acanth, tragasol, and other natura l gums, natural gum resins, and natural resins, not specially provided for. PA R. 1687. Gunpowder, sporting powder, and all other ex plosive substances, not specially provided fo r, and not wholly or in chief val ue of cellulose esters : Provided, That if any country, dependency, province, or other subdivision of government imposes a dut y on any ar tic le specified in th is paragraph, wh en imported fr om the United States, an equal duty shall be imposed upon such article coming into the United States from such country, dependency, province, or other subdivision of government . PAR . 1688 . Hair of horse, cattle, and other animals, cleaned or uncleaned, drawn or undrawn, but unmanufactured, not specially provided for . PAR. 1689. Hide c uttin gs, ra w, wi th or witho ut hai r, oss ein, and all ot her gl ue stock . PA R. 1690. Rope made of rawhide . PAR . 1691 . Hides and skins of the India water buffalo imported to be used in the manufacture of rawhide articles . PAR . 1692 . Hones, whetstones, and grindstones . PA R. 1693 . Hoofs, u nmanufactu red . PA R. 1694 . Horns and p arts of, includi ng horn strips and tips, unmanufactured . PAR . 1695 . Horses or mules imported for immediate slaughter. PAR . 1696 . Ice . PAR . 1697 . Indi a ru bber and gutta -per cha, crud e, i nclud ing jelu- tong or pontianak, guayule, gutta balata, and gutta sia k, and scrap or refuse india rubber and gutta-percha fit only for remanufacture . PAR . 1698 . Iodine, crude, and copper iodide, crude . PA R. 1699 . Iridium, osmiu m, palladium, rho dium, and ruthen ium, and native combinations thereof with one another or with platinum . PAR . 1700. Iron ore, in cluding manganife rous iron ore, and the dr oss or residuum from bur nt pyrites . PA R. 1701 . Ivory tusks in their natural state or cut vertically across the grain only, with the bark left intact . PA R. 1702 . Je t, unmanufactured . PA R. 1703 . Joss stick or joss light . PA R. 1704. Waste rope . PAR . 1705'. Kelp . PA R. 1706 . Kieserite . PA R. 1707. Lac : Crude, seed, button, stick, or shell . PA R. 1708 . Lava, unm anufacture d . PAR . 1709 . Leeches. PAR . 1710 . Limestone-rock asphalt ; asphaltum and bitumen .