Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/749

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. Cg. 497. 1930. TARIFF C OMMISSION. by proclamation specify and declare such new or additional rate or Addi tiona l rate s .

rates of duty upon the articles wholly or in part the growth or pr oduct of any such indust ry as he sha ll det ermine will offset such Limitations,

be nefits , not to exc eed 50 per c entum ad val orem o r its equiva lent, Effective in 30 days. of such importation and on and after for eign thirty days n

t after the date of any such proclamation such new or additional rate or rates of duty so specified and declared in such proclamation shall be levied, col- lected, and paid upon such articles . Seizure, forfeiture,

(f) FORFEITU RE OF ARTIcLEs .-All articles imported contrary to etc ., of illegal imports' the provisions of this section shall be forfeited to the United States and shall be li able t o be s eized, prose cuted, and c ondemn ed in like man ner an d unde r the same r egulat ions, restri ctions , and provis ions as may from time to time be established for the recovery, collection, distribution, and remission of forfeitures to the United States by the several revenue laws . Whenever the provisions of this Act shall Indirect impottations be applicable to importations into the United States of articles included, wholly or in part the growth or product of any foreign country, the y shal l be a pplica ble th ereto whethe r such artic les ar e impo rted directly or indirectly . Existenceofdiscrimf- (gg) ASCERTAINMENT BY COMMISSION OF DISCRIMINATIONS .-It shall nations to be ascer- tained, etc ., by the be the duty of the commission to ascertain and at all times to be Comm issio n . inf ormed whet her a ny of the disc rimin ation s aga inst the c ommer ce of the United States enumerated in subdivisions (a), (b), and (e) of this section are practiced by any country ; and if and when such discriminatory acts are disclosed, it shall be the duty of the com- miss ion to b ring th e matter to the attenti on of th e Presid ent, to gether with recommendations . Rules, etc., to be (h) RUL ES AND REGULATIONS OF SECRETARY OF TREASURY .-The m execution hereof . Secretary of the Treasury with the approval of the President shall make such rules and regulations as are necessary for the execution of such p roclam ations as th e Pres ident may is sue in accor dance with Te rm "foreign coun- the provisions of this section . try" construed . (i) DEFINITION .-When used in this section the term " foreign co un tr y " mea ns any empir e, cou ntry, domini on, co lony o r prot ector- ate, or any subdivision or subdivisions thereof (other than the United States and its possessions), within which separate tariff rates or s eparat e regu lation s of c ommerc e are enforc ed . Effect of r eenac tment SEC. 339. EFFECT OF REENACTMENT OF EXISTING LAW . Of existing law . Balances of appropri. Notwithstanding the repeal by section 651 of the laws relating atio ns avai lable for to commission . the United States Tariff Commission and their reenactment in sections 330 to 33 8, inclusive, with modifications, the unexpended bala nces o f appr opriat ions a vailab le for the c ommiss ion at the t ime this secti on tak es eff ect sh all re main a vailab le for the c ommiss ion in tbp administration of its functions under this Act

and such

status of officers, etc ., repeal and reenactment shall not operate to change the status of not changed .

the office rs and emplo yees u nder t he jur isdict ion of the c ommiss ion Investigations con - at the time this section takes effect . No investigation or other pro- tinued. ceeding pending before the commission at such time (other than pro- ceedings under section 315 of the Tariff Act of 1922) shall abate by reason of such repeal and reenactment, but shall continue under the provisions of this Act . Domestic value.

SEC. 340. DOM ESTIC V ALUE-CO NVERSION OF RATES . Conversion of rates .

(a) CONVERSION OF RATES BY COMMISSION .-The commission shall ascertain, with respect to each of the ad valorem rates of duty, and each of the rates of duty regulated by the value of the article, specified in this Act, an ad valorem rate (or a rate regulated by the'