Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/839

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SESS . II. Cue . 566-569 . 1930. in section 2 of this Act, subject only to review in a court of equity for fraud or gross mistake . Rights to sell, assign, etc ., 5. The ri ht to sell assi n transfer and mort a e all ., conferred rights, powers, and privileges conferred by this Act i s hereby granted to the Tidewater Toll Properties (Incorporated), its legal repr esent ativ es an d ass igns, and any corp orati on to whi ch or an~ person to whom such rights, powers, and privileges may be sold, assi gned, or trans ferre d, o r who shal l ac quire the same by m ort- gage foreclosure or otherwise, is hereby authorized and empow- ered to exercise the sa me as fully as though conferre d herein directly upon such corporation or person . SEC . 6 . The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved . Approved, June 21, 1930 . Amendment. June 21, 1930. [s .4017 .] [Public, No. 4 10 .] Contracts . In exc ess of $500 made under Secretary of War, to be in writmg. VoL45, p.986,amend- ed. [11R.8ai] CHAP. 568 .-An Act To carry out the recommendation of the President [Public, No. 411 .] in connection with the late-claims agreement entered into pursuant to the Set- tlement of War Claims Act of 1928. Settlement of War Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Claims Act of 1928 . U ni te d St at es o f America in Congress assembled, That section 2 e Vol.45,p.256,amend . of the Settlement of War Claims Act of 19 28 is amended by adding a t the en d thereo f the fol lowing n ew subse ction Expenses incurred by

c German Government

c (k) The amounts deducted under subsection (e) of this section in ed.' cat ` ng clai ms from payments on account of the awards of the Mixed Claims Com- mission, United States and Germany, rendered under the agreement between the United States and Germany of December 31, 1928 (entered into under the authority of subsection (j) of this section), shall be available for reimbursing the German Government on account of the expenses incurred in connection with the adjudica- tion by the commission of claims under such agreement, and the S ecret ary o f th e Tre asury is autho rized and dire cted to ay the amounts so deducted to such representative of the German Govern- ment as the Secretary of State may designate ." Approved, June 21, 19 30 . June 21, 1930 . [S. J. Res. 190.]

CHAP. 569 .-Joint Resolution Authorizing the Postmaster General to accept [Pub. Res., No.93.] the bid of the Mississippi Shipping C ompany to c arry mail b etween Unit ed States gulf ports and the east coast of South America . Postal Service.

Resolved by th .e Senate and House of Representatives of th .e United Acceptance of bid of States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Postmaster Gen- Mi ssis sip pi Shipping Comp any aut horized . eral is hereby authorized at his discretion to acceht said bid of the Vol.45, p .694. Mississippi Shipping Company for carrying the mails over said line, notw ithstandi ng the p rovision s of sec tion 407 of the M erchant Marine Act of 1928 in respect to the award of ocean mail contracts . Approved, June 21, 1930 . CHAP. 567 .-An Act To amend the Act of May 29, 1928, pertaining to cer - tain War Department contracts by repealing the expiration date of that Act . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That so much of an Act entitled "An Act to require certain contracts entered into by the Secr etary of War or by office rs autho rized by him to make them , to be in writin , and for other purposes," approved May 29, 1928 (45 Stat. L . 985), as provides that said Act shall cease to be in effect after June 30, 1930, is hereby repealed . Approved, June 21, 1930 .