934 Maine-Continued . New Hampshire . Massachusetts . Rhode Island . Connecticut . New York . New York and New Jersey. New York Harbor . SEV ENTY- FIRST C ONGRESS . SEss. II . CH. 847 . 1930 . Camden Harbor, Maine . Corea Harbor, Maine . Atkin s Bay, Main e . Mon hegan Harbo r, Mai ne . Wohoa Bay and Pleasant River, Addison, Washington County, Maine . York Harbor, Maine . Moussam River at Kennebunkport, Maine . Vicinity of Royal River, Maine . Criehaven Harbor, Maine . Newag en Harbor, Southport, Maine . Channel between Isle-au-Haut and Kimballs Island, Maine . Mount Desert Narrows, between Western Bay and Eastern Bay, Maine . Coast of New Hampshire between Rye Beach and Fox He ad point, with a view to the establishment of a harbor of refuge . Rye Harbor, Hampton, Hampton Falls, and Seabrook, New Hampshire . Gloucester Harbor and Annisquam River, Massachusetts . Weymo uth Back Ri ver, Massa chusetts . Mystic River, Massachusetts, from the Felsway Parkway Bridge at Wellington and East Somerville to the Cradock Bridge Dam at Medford Center . Cape Cod Canal, Massachusetts . Marion Harbor, Massachusetts . Boston Harbor, Massachusetts . Weymo uth Fore Ri ver, Massa chusetts, f rom Hingham Bay to the Wey mouth Fore R iver Bridge . Edgartown Harbor, Massachusetts . Woods Hole Channel, Massachusetts . Nantucket Harbor, Massachusetts . Entrance to Great Salt Pond, Block Island, Rhode Island . Old Warwick Cove, town of Warwick, Kent County, Rhode Island. Pawtucket River, Rhode Island . The East Harbor at Block Island, Rhode Island . Entra nce to the channel of Salt Pond sometimes c alled Point Judith Pond . Yantic River, Connecticut . Clinton Harbor, Connecticut . New L ondon Harbo r, Connect icut . Branford Harbor, Connecticut . Connecticut River below Hartford, Connecticut . Connecticut River, between Hartford, Connecticut, and Spring- field and Holyoke, Massachusetts . New Haven Harbor, Connecticut . At and near City Island, New York City, New York, with a view to constructing a breakwater . East Chester Creek, New York . Huntington Harbor, New York . New Rochelle Harbor, New York . Hudson River Channel, New York and New Jersey, with a view to securing a depth of forty feet for its full width from Fifty-ninth Street to Upper New York Bay . Sparkill Creek, New York . New York Harbor, New York : The Brooklyn water front south from a point opposite the lower end of Governors Island to a point near the beginning of the shore road improvement with a view to securing wider channels . 4