941 Offatts Bayou, Texas .
Texas -continu ed . Red River, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas, from Fulton, Arkan- sas, to mouth of Washita River, Oklahoma . Trinity River, Texas . Waterways from Harlingen, Texas, to the Gulf of Mexico, by way of Arroyo Colorado, Laguna Madre, and cut across Padre Island or suc h other route as may be deemed ad visable . Channel from Port O'Connor, Texas, to the I ntra coast al Waterway . Channel from Port Lavaca, Texas, to the Intracoastal Waterway . Channel from Palacios, Texas, and the Texas National Guard Camp through Tres Palac ios and Matagorda Bays to a co nnection with the Intracoastal Waterway . Louisiana and Texas Intracoastal Waterway from Corpus Christi to the Rio Grande Valley . Wolf River, and Nonconnah River, Tennessee .
Tennessee . Mississippi River in the vicinity of Hamilton, Illinois .
Illinois . a Rock River, Illinois , from t he water- power da m at Roc kford to the dam at the head of the feeder of the Illinois and Mississippi Canal at or near Sterling, thence by way of the canal feeder to the Illinois nd Mississippi C anal, with a view to securing a navigable channel nine fe et in de pth and of suitab le width . Kask askia Ri ver, Ill inois . Illinois and Mississippi Canal, Illinois, from the Illinois River at Bureau Junction to the Mississippi River at Rock Island, with a view to securing a navigable channel nine feet in depth and of suitable width by dredging and enlarging the locks ; also with a view to devis- ing a p lan whic h will r educe the number of locks in this waterwa y . Rock River, Illinois and Wis consin, f rom Jane sville t o the wa ter- Ill inoi s and Wis - power dam at Rockford, with a view to securing a navigable channel nine feet in depth and of suitable width . Waterway from Colona, Illinois, in a northwesterly direction to Illinois . the Mississippi River at Moline pool . Black River, Wisconsin .
Wisconsin. St. Croix River, Wisconsin and Minnesota, from Stillwater to its Wiscon sin and Min- mouth .
nesota . Minnesota River, Minnesota .
Minnes ota . Survey of Lake City Harbor, Minnesota . Mississippi River in the vicinity of Minneapolis, Minnesota . Mississippi River, from Brainerd to Minneapolis, Minnesota . Big Blue River, Missouri, from its confluence with the Missouri Missouri . River to Fifteenth Street, Kansas City . Missouri River, from Kansas City, Missouri, to Yankton, South Missou ri and S outh Dakota, with a view to securing a channel nine feet in depth and of Dakot a. suitable width . Missouri River, from Sioux City, Iowa, to the mouth of the Yel- Iowa. lowstone River, North Dakota . Kansas (Kaw) Riv er, Kansas and Missouri .
Kansasand Missouri . Flint River, Alabama and Tennessee .
Alab ama and Ten - nessee, Hatchie River, Tennessee .
Tennessee . Youghiogheny River, Pennsylvania, from West Newton to Con- Pennsylvania . nellsville . Beaver River, Pennsylvania, Shenango River, Pennsylvania, and Oh onnsylv ania and Mahoning River, Pennsylvania and Ohio . Little Kanawha River, West Virginia .
West Virginia . Big Sandy River and Tug and Levisa Forks, West Virginia and ge tucky,' rgima an d Kentucky, with a view to completing the slack-water projects on these rivers .