948' SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. Cia. 847 . 1930 . and its tributary waters, and this work hereafter shall be carried as a separate and distinct project . Technical etc ., assist- The Chief of Engineers is hereby authorized to engage under ance.
agreement, when deemed necessary, expert assistance in the various ar ts and sciences, including expert s tenographic assistance for report- Reporting, etc .
ing the proceedings of public hearings held in connection with pre- liminary examinations, surveys, or improvements of rivers and har- Other personal serv- bors, upon terms and rates of compensation for services and inci- ic es .
dental expenses in excess of the maximum of the salaries authorized 45 Vol .772, p . 1488 : Vol. by the Classification Act of March 4, 1923, as amended by the Act U. S. C., p. 65: of May 28, 1928 ; and all agreements heretofore entered into for S Post,I P, 10035.
such purposes are hereby validated to the amount of the current rates charged for such services. "Transportation in The Chief of Engineers is hereby authorized to have printed a the Miss issi ppi and Ohio Valleys ."
further edition of the report entitled " Transportation in the Mis- autlthoriz d . edition of, sissippi and Ohio Valleys," prepared by the Board of Engineers Vol .41,p.499 . for Rivers and Harbors in cooperation with the United States Shipping Board under authority of section 500 of the Transportation Act approved February 28, 1920 (to be brought down as nearly as Fund s avail able . possible to date), to be paid for from appropriations heretofore or hereafter made by Congress for the improvement of rivers and harbors ; and the cost of printing such other reports and data as Vol . 41, p. 992. are prepared in compliance with that law and with section 8 of the Merchant Marine Act, approved June 5, 1920 (not exceeding $35,000 in any one year), may be paid from similar appropriations . em plo yees ma king per - Expenses of civilian Actual expenses hereafte r incurr ed by ci vilian e mployees on river manent change of sta- and harbor works for travel when making permanent change of tion authorized .
station under competent orders, may, on approval of the Chief of Engineers, be paid or reimbursed from funds pertaining to river and harbor works . Engineer Corps . Credit allowed in The Comptroller General of the United States be, and he is hereby, accounts of, off ice rs authorized and directed to allow credit, in the amounts stated, in designated .
the disburs ing accou nts of t he follo wing-nam ed office rs of th e Corps of Engineers, to wit : Major J . A . O'Connor, $11 .29 ; Major H. M. Trippe, $15 ; Lieutenant Colonel George R . Spalding, $100 ; which amounts now stand as disallowances on the books of the General Accounting Office . Freeport
Ha rbor, Tex
SEC . 7 . That the Secretary of War may, in his discretion, cancel . Surety bond for ex- the bond executed November 22 1927, by the Brazos River Harbor ecuting improvement
> of, canceled . Navigation District, of Brazoria County, Texas, as principal and the National Surety Company as surety, to insure the payment of the sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as may be required for carrying out the project for the improvement of Freeport Harbor, Texas, and releas e the said principal and suret y from any obligation thereunder . Vfrgin Islands . Removal of obstruc- SEC. 8 . That the provisions of sections 19 and 20 of the Act of ti~sslt3 0na pvig15i n . March 3, 1 899, entitled "An Act making a ppropriations for the construction, repair, and preservation of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for other purposes," are hereby made appli- Hobucken, I°r . C .
cab le to th e navigab le water s of the Virgin Islands . conve yance of land SEC. 9. The Secretary of War is authorized to transfer to the per- near, for lighthouse purposes
ma nent juri sdict ion o f th e Sec retar y of Comm erce, for ligh thous e . purposes, a parcel of land of approximately eight and three one- hundredths acres, located near Hobucken, North Carolina, and being a portion of land acquired for improvement of inland waterway front Nor folk, Vi rginia, t o Beaufo rt, Nort h Caroli na . Oshkosh, wis.
That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to quitclaim Island in Lake win- nebago quitclaimed to, wi thout cha rge t o the cit y of Oshko sh, Wisco nsin, all the right , for park purposes.
title, and interest of the United States in an island located in Lake