Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1166

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2774 SMUGGLING CONVENTION-POLAND. JUNE 19, 1930. ARTICLE II Boarding of Polish • private v~ls, outside (1) It IS agreed that the Gov- ~i~JTarmstroBot (talk) 17:35, 18 January 2013 (UTC)·y,etc., ernment of Poland will raise no objection to the boarding of private vessels under the Polish fia~ outside the limits of terri- tonal waters by the authorities of the United States, its territo- ries or possessions in order that enquiries may be addressed to those on board and an examina- tion be made of the ship's papers for the purpose of ascertaining whether the vessel or those on board are endeavoring to import or have imported alcoholic bev- erages into the United States, its territories or possessions in viola- tion of the laws there in force. Search, if ground for When such enquiries and exami- 8U8Plcion. nation show a reasonable ground for suspicion, a search of the ves- Seizure of vessel be. sel may be initiated. Iieved to be violating (2) If there is reasonable cause ~:::ican prohibition for belief that the vessel has com- mitted or is committing or at- tempting to commit an offense against the laws of the United States, its territories or posses- sions prohibiting the importation of alcoholic beverages, the vessel may be seized and taken into a port of the United States, its ter- ritories or possessions for adjudi- cation in accordance with such Distance from coast laws.. . limited for boarding, (3) The nghts conferred by this etc., vessels. article shall not be exercised at a greater dists.nce from the coast of the United States, its territories or possessions than can be trav- ersed in one hour by the vessel suspected of endeavoring to com- Extension If liquor mit the offense. In cases, how- conveyed by other ves- ever, in which the liquor is in- sel. tended to be conveyed to the United States, its territories or possessions by a vessel other than the one boarded and searched, it shall be the speed of such other vessel and not the speed of the vessel boarded, which shall de- termine the distance from the coast at which the ri~ht under this article can be exerclSed. ARTYKUL II (1) Ustala si~, ze Rz~ Polski nie b~ie wysuwal zadnego sprzeciwu odnowe abordowania statk6w prywatnych pod fiag~ polsk", poza gramcami w6d tery- torjalnych, przez wladze Stan- 6w Zjednoczonych, ich teryto- rj6w lub posiadlo§Ci, celem prze- sbchania os6b znajduj"cych si~ na statku i zbadania dokument6w statkowych dla stwierdzenia czy statek lub osoby na nim si~ znajduj"ce zamierzaj~ wwieM lub jU2; wwiozly napoje alkoholowe do Stan6w Zjednoczonych, ich terytorj6w lub posiadlosci, z po- gwalceniem obowi~uj"cych tam praw. W razach, kiedy takie przesluchania i badania daj" slu- szne powody do podejrzen, moze bye przeprowadzone przeszuka- me statku. (2) W razie istnienia slusznego powodu do przYJ>uszczania ze statek dokonal, dokonuje lub usiluje dokonae wykroczenia przeciw prawom Stan6w Zjedno- czonych, ich terytorj6wlub posiad- lo§ci, zabraniaj"cym wwozu na- poj6w alkoholowych, statek ten moze bye zaj~ty 1 odstawiony do jednego z port6w Stan6w Zjedno- czonych, ich terytorj6wlub posiad- lo§ci, celem zawyrokowania zgodnie z temi prawami. (3) Uprawnienia nadane przez ten artykul nie mog" bye wyko- nywane w odleglo§ci od wybrze- za Stan6w Zjednoczonych, ich terytorj6w lub posiadlo§ci, prze- kraczaj~cej przestrzen, jak~ at&- tek, podejrzany 0 zamiar popel- nienia przekroczenia, moze prze- bye w ci~ jednej godziny. W wypadkach jednakze gdzie trunki alkoholowe maj~ bye dowiezione do Stan6w Zjednoczonych, ich terytorj6w lub .posiadlo§ci stat- kiem innym aruzeli ten kt6ry zostal abordowany i przeszukany, to szybkosc takiego innego statku a nie szybkosc statku abordowa- nego ma oJue§lae odleglosc od wybrzeza, w obr~bie kt6rej upraw- nienia wynikaj~ce z niniejszego artykulu mog" bye wykonane.