Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1171

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EXTRADITION, ETC., TREATY-AUSTJUA. JANUARY 31, 1930. 2779 Treaty a1Ul exchange oj ftOtes between the United States oj America a1Ul January ~1. 1930. Austria conurning extradition a1Ul commutation oj death penalty. Signed at Vienna, Janoory 31, 1930; ratification advised by tM Senate, June 16, 1930; ratiJied by the President, June 28, 1930; ratified by Austria, August 9, 1930; ratijications exchanged at Vienna, August 12, 1980; proclaimed, August 14, 1980. BY THE PRESIDENT OIl' THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS a Treaty between the United States ~AmeriCa and E~t~tion.etc.• with Aus.nB. Austria. for the extradition of fugitives from justice as concluded Preambie. and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at ienna on the thirty-first day of January, one thousand nine hundred and thirty, the original of which Treaty, being in the English and German languages, is word for word as follows: The United States of America and Austria desiring to promote the cause of justice, have re- solved to conclude a treaty for the extradition of fugitives from justice, between the two coun- tries 'and have appointed for that purpose the following Plenipo- tentiaries: The President of the United States of America: Mr. Albert Henry Washburn, Envoy Extraordinary and Min- ister Plenipotentiary to Austria, and The Federal President of the Republic of Austria: Mr. Johann Schober, Federal Chancellor, who, after havin~ communicated to each other theIr respective full powers, found to be in good and due form, have agreed upon and concluded the following articles: Article I. It is agreed that the Government of the United States and the Federal Government of Austria shall, upon requisition duly" made as herein provided, delIver up to justice any person, who may be charged with, or may IDie mereinigten ~taaten bon ~me.. rira unb Dfterrei«) ~aben, bon bem ~unf«)e geleitet, bie ~a«)e ber ®ere«).. tigrett au forhan, bef«)Ioffen, einen· mertrag fiber bie ~u~Iieferung bon ~erfonen au f«)Iienen, bie lid) ber @ered)tigfeit entaogen ~aben, unb ~(lben au biefem .8we<fe bie folgenben }Beuoll.. miid)tigten ern(lnnt: IDer ~tiifibent ber mereinigten @5taaten bon ~merif(l: . perm ~Ibert .penrlJ 5IDaflJburn, aufierorbentlidjen @ef(lnbten unb be.. boUmii«)tigten IDlinifter in Ofterreid), unb IDer }Bunbee~riiftbent bet me~ubm Dfterreidj : . perm 3o~ann @5djobet, }Bunbe~.. fatijler, bie nad) ~u~taufd) i~ter in gutet unb ge~origer ~orm befunbenen moUmadj.. ten bie nad)fte~enben ~rtifeI bereinbatt unb befd)Ioffen ~aben: Centractlng Powers. Plenipotentiaries. ~rtireI 1. ~~ with beteinbatt, ban Reciprocal deliv~ry b' ro' bm •• t G'::. of persons charged With te V\.egterung er .:oetetntg en ~taaten certain crimes. unb bie SBunbe~tegierung bon Oftet~ reid) aUf ein nad) ben }Beftimmungen biefc~ mettrage~ ge~orig gefteUte~ ~.. fudjen bet @eredjtigreit jebe ~ctfon au~Iiefern foUen, bie einer ber im