Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1225

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FRIENDSHIP, ETC., TREATY-EL SALVADOR FEBRUARY 22,1926. 2833 Instruments and documents thus executed and copies and translations thereof, when duly authenticated under his official seal by the consular officer shall be received as evidence in the temtories of the High Contract- ing Parties as origiual documents or authenticated copies, as the case may be, and shall have the same force and effect as if drawn by and ex~cuted before a notary or other public officer duly au- thorized in the country by which the consular officer was appoint- ed; provided, always that such documents shall have been drawn and executed in conformity to the laws and regulations of the country where they are designed to take effect. ARTICLE XXI A consular officer shall have exclusive jurisdiction over con- troversies arising out of the in- ternal order of private vessels of his country, and shall alone exercise jurisdiction in cases, wherever arising, between of- ficers and crews, pertaining to the enforcement of discipline on board, provided the vessel and the persons charged with wrong- doin~ shall have entered a port within his consular district. Such an officer shall also have juris- diction over issues concerning the adjustment of wages and the executIOn of contracts relating thereto provided the local laws so permit. When an act committed on board of a private vessel under the flag of the State by which the consular officer has been ap- pointed and 'within the territorial waters of the State to which he has been appointed constitutes a crime accor~ to the laws of that State, sublectin~ the person guilty thereof to purushment as a crimInal, the consular officer shall not exercise jurisdiction except in so far as he,ls permitted to do so by the local law. A consular officer may freely invoke the assistance of the local police authorities in any matter Los instrumentos y documen- Effect. of consular • authentICations. tos 881 otorgados y sus COPIaS y traducciones debidamente auten- ticadas y selladas por el funcio- nario consular, seran aceptados como prueba.en los territorios de las Altas Partes Contratantes, como documentos originales 0 tes- timonios autenticados, segUn los casos, y tendran el mismo efecto y fuerza que si hubieren sido ex- tendidos por y otorgados ante un notario u otro funcionario publico debidamente autorizado en el pals que hubiere nombrado al funcionario consular, siempre que esos documentos hayan sido extendidos y otorgados en con- formidad con las leyes y regla- mentos del pais donde deban surtir efectos. ARTICULO XXI Un funcl'onan'0 consular ten- Con~ular jurisdiction in ShiP, etc., contra- drS. jurisdiccion exclusiva en las versies. disputas que surjan del orden interno de barcos particulares de su pals y ejercera. ~1 solo juris- diccion cuando ~stas ocurran en- tre oficiales y tripulantes por el mantenimiento de la disciplins a bordo, con tal que el barco y las personas acusadas de falta to<J.uen un puerto dentro de su junsdiccion .consular. Tal fun- cionario tendra. tambi~n juris- WBges, contracts, etc. diccion sobre cuestiones refe- rentes a sueldos y al cumpli- miento de contratos en la mate- ria, si asi 10 permiten las leyes locales. Cd 'd Crimes in territorial uan 0 un acto cometl 0 a waters. bordo de un barco particular bajo la bandera del Estado que nom- brare al funcionario consular y en aguas territoriales del Estado ante el que estuviere acreditado, constituya un delito segUn las leyes de ese Estado que haga incurrir al culpable en una pena como criminal, el funcionario con- sular no ejercers. jurisdiccion salvo cuando las leyes locales 10 per- mitan. Un funcionario consular puede m~~1a'i~117:45, 18 January 2013 (UTC)~a:~ invocar con toda libertad Is ship. ayuda de las autoridades locales