Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1431

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1930. date, and do invite the schools, civic associations, and people of the United States generally t{) obserre the day with appropriate cere- monies, thereby ~ving expression w the spirit of continental solidarity and to the sentlments of cordiality and friendly feeling which the Government and people of the United States entertain wward the peoples and Governments of the other Republics of the American Continent. I~ WITNESS WHEREO:f, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Cnited States to be affixed. DO~E at the City of Washington this 28th da1 of :May, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and thIrty, and of the lnde- [SEAL) pendence of the Cnited States of America the one hun- dred and fifty-fourth. Bv the President: - II L STIMSO~ SeCTftary of State HERBERT HOOVER 3025 B"r THE PRESIDE~T OF THE LKITED STATES OF AMERICA June 5, 1930. A PROCL-L\IATION WHEREAS, by proclamations, the President of the United States ~~k Hills, ,cus~ has at various times creat('d certain national forests within the State }~rests~~ebJ'atlO of South Dakota; and Preamble. WHdE~EAS itdapPdears ft~~t thebeconsummatbeion of an h agreement la:Js~te S~~tr;h~ entere mto Uil er ate 0 ... "o,em r 5, 1928, tween t e Secretary kota. of Agriculture and the State of South Dakota, providing that the said State should relinquish all of its title or claim w the whole or parts of certain sections 16 and 36, lying within and adjoining the said national forests, title w which is now vested in the State under its grant in aid of common schools, and should be allowed w select other lands equivalent in acref!ge lying within the boundaries of the Custer and Harney National Forests, would be promoted by the inclusion in whole or in part of certain state-<>wned sections 16 and 36 within the boundaries of the national forests in that State; and WHEREAS it ~pears that the public interests will be promoted by Former Executive dif· h . d . hCu N'IF ordermodll1ed. mo ymg t executive or er creatmg tester atlOna orest Vol. 45, p. 465. so as w place within the boundaries of that national forest certain alienated lands which may hereafter be acquired by the United States through exchange under the provisions of the act of March 20, 1922 (42 Stat. 465); Now, THEREFORE, I, HERBERT HOOVER, President of the United BoundariesmodHled. States of America, by virtue of the power in me vested by the act of March 3, 1891 (26 Stat. 1095), and by the act of June 4, 1897 (30 Stat. 11 at 34 and 36), do proclaim that the boundaries of the Black Hills, Custer, and Hurney N ationa.l Forests are hereby modified w includesecs. 16and36,T.2N., R.6E.;sec.36,T.18N., R.7E., S.~S.~sec.25andsec.36,T.19N., R.7E.;E.~NE.7~sec. 16,T.16 N., R.8E.;S.~SW.Xsec.30,N.~NW.Xsec.31,T.19N., R.8E.; NE.Xsec.32,T.16N., R.9E.;W.~SW.X,SW.XNW.~sec. 16, T.5.S., R.1E.;sec.36,T.6.S., R.1E.;S.~SE.X,E.~SE.XSW. ~~,E.~W.~SE.XSW.Xsec. 16,T.7S., R.3E., BlackHills meridian, S. Dak.; and WHEREAS it appears that the consummation of the above-mentioned Authority or South '11 b db dif' hE' d f Dakota to make selec- agreement WI e promote y mo ymg t executIve or er 0 tions etc. January 13, 1920, creating the Custer National Forest, and the proc- Vol. 37, p.l680 . lamation of May 16, 1911, creating the Harney National Forest, so 5i894°--~1--PT2----89