Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/703

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PARCEL PO:;T CONVENTION-INDOCHINA. April 5, 1929. July 3,1929. 2311 fund of fee or postage, to decline to pay indemnity or to pay such indemnity as may in its discretion be considered equitable in the light of the evidence produced. The enforcement of this rule shall not prejudice any legal pro- ceedings to which such fraudulent evidence may have rendered the claimant liable. 10. When an insured article has been lost, rifled, or damaged, the Adminifatration of origin shall pay indemnity to the rightful claimant as soon as possible and at the latest within a period of one year counting with the day following that on which the application is made, which payment shall be made on account of the Adminis- tration of destinationi if that Ad- ministration is responsible for the loss, riJ:ling, or damage, and has been duly notified. 11. How~ver, the Administra- tion of origin may, in the cases indicated in the foregoing section, exceptionally defer payment of indemnity for a longer period than that stipulated if, at the expira- tion of that period, it has not been able to determine the disposition made of the article in question or the responsibility incurred. 12. Except in cases where pay- ment is exceptionally deferred as provided in the foregoing section, the country of origin is authorized to pay indemnity on behalf of the country of destination if that country has, after beinS' duly informed of the applicatIOn for indemnity, let nine months pass without settling the matter. 13. The obligation of paying the indemnity shall rest WIth the country to which the mailing office is subordinate. That coun- try can make a claim on the country responsible, that is to say, against the Administration on the territory or in the service of which the loss, rifling, or damage took place. 14. The country responsible for the loss, rifling, or damage and on whoso account payment demnite se reserve Ie droit, sans remboursement quelconque de taxe ou d'aifranchissement, de ne pas accepter Ie paiement de l'indemnite ou de payer teIle in- demnite qu'elle juge equitable a. la Iumiere de la deposItion pro- duite. L'application de cette regIe ne fait pas obstacle aux poursuite legales Jont peut etre passible Ie reclamant pour sa declaration fraudulellse. 10 Quand un article assure a Co~ntry o~ orl~ to • . ., pay mde=ty Within eM perdu, spolie ou avane I Ad- year. ministration d'origine doit payer l'indemniM au reclamant legitime aussitot que possible et au plus tard dans une periode d'un an a. partir du lendemain du jour OU Ia demande est faite lequel paiement doit etre fait pour Ie CODpte de l'Administration de destination si cette derniere est responsable de Ia perte, spoliation ou avarie et a eM dUment avisee. 11. Toutefois, dans Ie cas indi- Dererred payment. que au paragraphe {>recedent I' Administration d'origme peut differer exceptionneUement Ie paie- ment de l'indemniM pendant une periode {>lus longue que celIe stipulee Sl, a l'expiration de cette periode, elle n'a pu determiner Ie sort reserve a l'article en question ou Ia responsabiliM encourue. 12. Sauf Ie cas OU Ie payement Payment by country cliff /,. /,. . II or origin it country or est t:rt: exceptIOnne ement destination delays nine comme il est stipule dans Ie months. paragraphe precedent, Ie pays d'origine est autorise a payer l'indemniM pour Je compte du pays de destination si ce pays a, apres avoir eM dument informe de Ia demande d'indemniM, laisse s'ecouler 9 mois sans donner de solution a l'affaire. 13. L'obligation de payer I'in- Country responsible. demnite incombe au pays auquel appartient Ie bureau expediteur. Ce pays peut reclamer contre Ie pays responsable, c'est a. dire contre I'Administration sur Ie territoire ou dans Ie service du- quel a eu lieu la perte, Ia spolia- tion ou I'avarie. 14. Le pays responsable .:Ie Ia Repayment obllga- perte, spoliation ou avarie et tory. pour Ie compte duquel Ie pay-