Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/754

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2362 ARBITRATION TREATY-ETHIOPIA. JANUARY 26,1929. competent tribunal, as shall be decided in each case by special agree- ment, which special ~reement shall provide, if necessary, for the organization of such tnbunal, shall define its powers, shall state the question or questions at issue, and shall settle the terms of reference. Special agreement. The special agreement in each case shall be made on the part of the United States of America by the President of the United States of America by and with the adVlce and consent of the Senate thereof, and on the part of Ethiopia in accordance with its constitutional law . ARTICLE II 8ubjectsnotincluded. The provisions of this treaty shall not be invoked in respect of any dispute the subject matter of whi,.lJ . (a) is within the domestic jurisdiction of either of the High Con- tracting Parties, (b) involves the interests of third Parties, (c) depends upon or involves the maintenance of the traditional attitude of the United States concerning American questions, com- monly described as the Monroe Doctrine, (d) depends upon or involves the observance of the obligations of Ethiopia in accordance with the Covenant of the League of Nations.