Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/845

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LIVESTOCK CONVENTION-MEXICO. MARCH 16, 1928. 2453 regulations the neceEsary meas- ures governing the disinfection of vessels and all kinds of vehicles used in the transportation of ani- mals and of the quarantine sta- tions or other premises occupied by animals affected with danger- ously acute and rapidly spread- ing contagiolls diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease, rinder- pest, cOl1tagious pleuro-pneumo- nia, and hog-cholera. ARTICLE V. The competent officials of each of th~ High Contracting Parties shall prescribe the form and re- quirements of the permit and certificates to be presented as evidence that the animals are eligible for importation; of the manifests, bills of lading and other papers to be submitted by im- porters, captains of vessels, or others in charge of live stock of- fered for importation; and of the records to be kept by the veteri- nary officials at the ports of entry. ARTICLE VI. The form and requirements of c~rtificates which shall accom- pany shipments of animal by- products, hay, straw, and other imported commodities shall be specified by the duly authorized officials of each of the High Con- tracting Parties. ARTICLE VII. It is agreed that an efficient veterinary live stock sanitary police service shall be maintained under the Department of Agri- culture in the United States and the Secretana de Agricultura y Fomento in Mexico to combat infectious, contagious, or para- sitic diseases of live stock. ARTICLE VIII. mentos las medidas necesarias para la desinfecci6n de barcos y de toda clase de vehiculos usados en el transporte de animales, y de las estaciones cuarentenarias y otros lugares que hayan sido ocu- pados por animales afectados de alguna enfermedad contagiosa, grave y de rapida propagaci6n, como fiebre aftosa, peste bovina, pleuro-neumonia contagiosa y c6- lera del cerdo. ARTICULO V. Los funcionarios correspondien- . Per:mits, etc., for an Imallmports. tes de cada una de las Altas Partes Contratantes estableceran la forma y requisitos del permiso y de los certificados que se pre- senten como prueba de que los animales estan en condiciones de ser importados; de los mani- fiestos, guias de embarque y otros documentos que deben de exhibir los importadores, capitanes de barcos U otros encargados de los animales qUA se trate de importar, y de los registros que llevaran los inspectores veterinarios en los puertos de entrada. ARTICULO VI. Los funcionarios debidamente Certificates.for ship . ddd d 1 ments of animal by autonza OS e ca a una e as products, etc. Altas Partes Contratantes de- terminaran la forma y requisitos de los certificados que deben acompafiar los embarques de pro- ductos animales, heno, pajas y otros articulos que se importen a sus respectivos territorios. ARTICULO VII. Se conviene en que el Depart- \~eterinar~ li"est?ck tfA.It lEt sanitary polIce ser"lce. men 0 gncuureenos sa- dos Unidos de America y la Secretaria de Agricultura y Fo- men to en Mexico orgllnicen y mantengan un servicio eficiente de policia sanitaria veterinaria para combatir las enfermedades infecto-contagiosas 0 parasitarias. ARTICULO VIII. The live "tock sanitary officials Las autoridades sanitarias CO- Description of in- . fected zones. shall define the specific territory rrespondlentes sefialaran en sus in their respective countries in respectivos paises las zonas en