Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/893

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I~IPORT AND EXPORT PROHIBITIONS Novembel' S. H):!7 . .. It.J .: • .January JO, 1928. 2501 For Great Britain and Northern Ireland and all parts of the British Empire which are not separate Members of League of Nations; Sir Sydney Chapman, K. C . B., C. B. E., Economic Adviser to His Britannic Majesty's Government; For India: Mr H. A. F. Lindsay, C. I. E., C. B . E., Indian Trade Commissioner; His Ma~esty the King pf the Bul- ganans: M. D . Mikoff, Charge d'Af- faires at Berne; The President of the Chilian Re- public: M. Tomas Ramirez Frias, Dep- uty, former Minister of State, Professor of Political Econ- omy and Civil Law at the University of Santiago; His Majesty the King of Den- mark: M. J. Clan, Envoy Extraordi- nary and Minister Plenipo- tentiary, Chairman of the Danish Commission for the Conclusion of Commercial Treaties; M. William Borberg, Perma- nent Danish Representative accredited to the League of Nations; His Majesty the King of Egypt: Sadik Henein Pasha, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to His Ma- jesty the King of Italy; Pour la Grande-Bretagne et c;d~:::g~.entia.rles­ l'Irlande du Nord, ainsi que toute partie de l'Em- pire britanniq ue non membre separe de 10. So- ciete des Nations: Sir Sydney Chapman, K. C . B., C. B. E., Conseiller economique du Gouverne- ment de Sa Majeste Bri- tannique; Pour I'Inde: M. H. A, F. Lindsay, C. I. E., C. B . E ., "Indian Trade Commissioner" ; Sa Majeste Ie Roi des Bulgares: M. D . Mikoff, Charge d'af- faires a Berne i Le President de Ia Republique du Chili: M. Tomas Ramirez Frias, Dp.pute, ancien Ministre d'Etat, Professeur d'econo- mie politique et de droit civil a I'Universite de Santiago; Sa Majeste Ie Roi du Danemark: M. J. Clan, Envoye extraordi- naire et Ministre plenipoten- tiaire, President de Ia Com- mission danoise pour Ia con- clusion des traites de com- merce; M. William Borberg, Repre- sentant permanent du Dane- mark accredite aupres de Ia Societe des Nations; Sa Majeste Ie Roi d'Egypte: Sadik Henein pacha, Envoye extraordinaire et Ministre pIenipotentiaire pres Sa Ma- jeste Ie Roi d'Italie;