Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/920

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2528 UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28,1929. clue a Stockholm le 28 aoUt 1924-, ont, d'un commun accord et sous reserve de ratification, revise 10.- dite Convention conformement aux dispositions suivantes: TITRE I. concluded at Stockholm on Au- gust 28, 1924, have, by common consent and subject to ratifica- tion, revised the said Convention to read as follows: TITLE I Universal VnioD. Postal DE L'UNION POSTALE UNIVER- THE UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION SALLE. Constitution and !'Uf- poses. Adhasions. Procedurl'l . Regular serviC') gov- erned hereby. Other servlOO8. CHAPITRE 1. CHAPTER I Organization et ressort de l'Union. ORGLNIZATION AND EXTENT OF THE UNION ARTICLE PREMIER. Constitution de l'Union. Les Pays entre lesquels est con- clude 10. presente Convention for- ment, sous 10. denomination d'Union postale universelle, un seul territoire postal pour l'e- change reciproque des correspon- dances. L'Union postale a egale- ment pour objet d'assurer l'orga- nlsfltion et Ie per!ectionnement deE' divers services postaux inter- nationaux. ARTICLE 2. Adhesions nouvelles. Procedure. Tout Payes est admis en tout temps a adherer a 10. Convention. La demande d'adhesion doit ~tre notifiee par voie diploma- tique au Gouvernement de 10. Confederation suisse et par celui- ci aux Gouvernements. de tous les Pays de l'Union. ARTICLE 3. ARTICLE I Oonstitution oj the Union The countries between which the present Convention is con- cluded form, under the name of "Universal Postal Union", a sin- gle postal territory for the recipro- cal exchenge of correspondence. The purpose of the Postal Union is also to assure the organization and perfection of the various international postal services. ARTICLE 2 New adhesions. Procedure Any country is permitted to adhere to the Convention at any time. Notice of the request for ad- hesion must be given, thru diplo- matic channels, to the Govern- ment of the Swiss Confederation, and by the latter to the Govern- ments of all the countries of the Union. ARTICLE 3 Convention et Arrangements de Convention and Agreement8 oj the l'Union. Union Le service de 10. post aux let- tres est regIe par les dispositions de 10. Convention. D'autres service, tels que ceux, notamment, des lettres et des boites avec valeur declaree, des colis postaux, des mandats de post9, des virements postaux, des The regular-mail service is gov- erned b:y the provisions of the ConventIOn. Other services, especially such as those of insured letters and boxes, parcel post, postal money orders, postal checks, collection of bills, drafts, etc., by mail, and