Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1269

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72d CONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 128 . FEB RUARY 27, 1933 . any court of competent jurisdiction, within two years from the date of the payment of suc h interest . (E. O. Nov . 11, 1913, ƒ 3.) SEC. 823. EVID ENC E OF USURY .-No evidence of usury shall be received on the trial of any case unless the same shall be pleaded and verified by the affidavit of the party wishing to avail himself of suc h def ense . C HAPTE R 40 .-HIRING SEC. 824. HUuING, wHAT :Hiring is a contract by which one gives to another the temporary possession and use of property, other than money, for reward, and the latter agrees to return the same to the former at a future time . Cross Rsn'n vv aa Termination of hiring, see section 829 . 1245 Executive Order No. 1880 . Evidence of usury. HIRING. Definition Cnoss REFERENCE Hiring personalty, see sections 835 et seq.


• SEC. 825 . PROD UCTS OF THING .-The pro du cts of a thing hired, Li a ddu cts of thing during the hiring, belong to the hirer . SEC. 826. Qimnr PossLSSION .-An agreement to let upon hire binds Quiet possession, the letter to secure to the hirer the quiet possession of the thing hired duri ng the ter m of the h iring , aga inst all p erson s law fully claiming the same. Cro ss REF EREN CES Duty of letter of personally likewise, section 835.

, p .124 6 . Termination of hiring for want of quiet enjoyment, see section 83 1 .

Po it> p• 1248. SEC. 827. DEGREE OF CARE, AND SO FORTH, ON PART OF HIRER .-The Degree of care, etc . hir er of a thing must use ordinary care for its preservation in safety and in good condition . CRosa REFESE1rcE Care requ ired of depository for hire; see section 725.

A p• 1T . SEC . 828 . Must REPAIR INJURIES, AND so FORTH.-The hirer of a e i of iniuries, thing must repair all deterioration or injuries thereto occasioned by his wa nt of ordinary care . Cr oss REFERENCES Ditty of letter to repair, see section 885 . Post, p• 1248. Hirer may make repairs and recover from letter when, see section 837. Pbat, ". 1248• Termination of hiring where hirer does not make repairs, see section 830 . SEC. 829 . THING LE T FO R A PARTICULAR PURPOSE .-W he n a thing is p, g fo r parti cular let for a p artic ular purpo se the hir er mu st not use it for any oth er purpo se ; and if he does , he is li able to the let ter for all dam ages resulting fro m suc h use , or the letter may tr eat the contract as thereby rescinded . Coos REFERENCE Rig ht to term inate hiri ng, s ee se ction 830. SEC. 830. WHEN LETTER MAY TERMINATE .THE HIRING .-The letter of

burin y a thing may terminate the hiring and reclaim the thing before the end of the term agre ed up on 1. When the h irer uses or pe rmits a use of the thin ; hired in a manner contrary to the agreement of the par ti es


2 When the hirer does not, with in a reaso nable time afte r req uest, make such repai rs as he is bou nd] to make . leant.