Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1392

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72d CONGRESS. SESS. II. CHS. 135, 136. FEBRUARY 28, 1933 . tion from the Lee Boulevard to the Arlington Memorial Bridge, width .

consisting of a right of wa y not more than one hundred feet in width, Condition .




7 said deed of conveyance to contain a restriction against the construc- tion of bui ldings, fences, or other structu res within one h undred and ten feet of the center line of said right of way. ancedauthoor ea.ƒIIƒey- SEC . 2. The Secretary of War is he reby furthe r aut horiz ed to convey to the said county of Arlington for highway purposes only all the right, title, and interest of the United States in and to a strip of land for a continuous right of way approximately sixty feet in width within and adjacent to the southerly boundary of the Arlington Reservation fromm the intersection of said reservation line with the northerly line of the right of wav to be conveyed under section 1 to the east li ne of McKinley S treet . Description of . SEC . 3. The lands to be so conveyed are approximately as shown on plat numbered 104 .2-166 in the files of the National Capital Park and Planning Commission . Reversion in time of emergency . S E C . 4 . The deeds of conveyance shal l contain a rese rvation reserv- ing to the Unit ed State s the ri ght to r esume po ssession and occ upy said tr acts of land, or any por tion the reof, wh enever i n the ju dg- ment of the President an emergency exists that requires the use and appropriation of the same for the public defense, and also a further reservation that the title hereby conveyed shall revert to the United States and all rights h ereby gr anted sh all ceas e and be forfeit ed, tin,etc .ay conngton unless the said county of Arlington shall construct the said highway County .

and assume the obligations herein provided within three years from the date of th e enactment of t his Act . Juri cesn onovereon- veyance Sec. 5 . Upon the consummation of the conveyance herein author- ized to the county of Arlington, State of Virginia, the jurisdiction of the United States over said lands, subject to the conditions and reservations in said deed provided, shall immediately cease and de- termine and revert in the State of Virginia . xeƒarsien for non- user. SEC. 6. That if at any time the lands herein authorized to be con- veyed to the s aid county of Ar lington, State o f Virginia, shal l cease to be used for the purposes herein specified, the title in and jurisdic- tion over the same shall revert to the Government of the United States . Approved, February 28, 1933 . [CHAPTER 136 .1 February 28, 1933 .

AN ACT [H. R . 7432.1

To authorize the Interstate Commerce Commission to delegate certain of its [Public, No. 383.1

power s . Interst ate Commerce Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the ,8ct, amended .

United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 17 p 492,amended . Vol, 41, of the Interstate Commerce Act, as-amended (U.S. C., title 49, ee .8C ., p. 1666, sec . 17), is amended by adding at the end thereof a new paragraph to read as follows Delega tion of r unt- "(6) The commission is hereby authorized by its order to assign tions, etc , by commis- sioners authorized . or refer any portion of its work, business, or functions arising under this or any other Act of Congress or referred to it by Congress, or either branch thereof, to an individual commissioner, or to a board com po sed of an emp lo yee or employees of the commission, to be designated by such order, for action thereon, and by its order at any time to amend, modify, suppleme nt, or r escind a ny such assignme nt Provisos.

or reference : Provided, however, That this authority shall not extend Limitation.

to investigations instituted upon the commission's own motion nor, without the consent of the parties thereto, to contested proceedings