Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1402

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH . 144. MARCH 1, 1933. INTERNATIONAL FISHERIES COMMISSION Inter nationa l aen but Fisheries Commis-- For the share of the United States of the expenses of the Interna- sion „

tional Fisheries Commission under the convention betwe en the Share of expenses . Post, p . 1872 . United States and Great Britain, concluded May 9, 1930, including salar ies o f two members and other employees of the commission, traveling expenses, charter of vessels, purchase of books, periodicals, furniture, and scientific instruments, contingent expenses, rent in the District of Colu mbia, an d such o ther exp enses in the Unit ed State s and el sewhe re as the S ecret ary of Stat e may deem prope r, to be disbursed under the direction of the Secretary of State, $31,500 . INT ERNA TION AL R ADIO TELE GRAP H CO NFER ENCE , MA DRID , SP AIN The unexp ended balance of the approp riation "International Radiotelegraph Conference, Madrid, Spain, 1933 ", shall be available for any North American radio conference or conferences, growing out of the Madrid conference, to be held in Mexico City or elsewhere, including personal services without reference to the_ Classification Act of 1923, as amended, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere ; stenog raphi c rep orting and transl ating serv ices by con tract if deemed necessary without regard to the provisions of section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U. S. C., title 41, sec. 5) ; rent ; traveling expenses ; purchase of necessary books and documents ; official cards ; newspapers and periodicals ; printing and binding ; entertainment ; and such other expenses as may be authorized by the Secretary of State, to be immediately available and to remain available until June 30, 1934 . Judicial .

JUDICIAL International Radio- telegraph Convention . Participation at Madrid, Spain Balan ce avai lable . Ante, p 483 . R.S.,see.3709,p.733. U .S .C .,p . 1309. United States Court for China . Salaries and expenses . UNITED STATES COURT FOR CHINA For salaries of the judge, district attorney, and other officers and employees of the court ; court expenses, including reference law books, ice, and drinking water for office purposes ; $32,000 . PRISONS FOR AMERICAN CONVICTS Consular prisons, etc . For expenses of maintaining in China, the former Ottoman Empire, Egypt, Ethiopia, Morocco, and Muscat institutions for incarcerating American convicts and persons declared insane by the United States Court for China or any consular court ; wages of prison keepers ; rent of quarters for prisons ; ice and drinking water for prison purposes ; and for the expenses of keeping, feeding, and transp ortat ion o f pris oners and p erson s dec lared insan e by the Countries designated United States Court for China or any consular court in China, the former Ottoman Empire, Egypt, Ethiopia, Morocco, and Muscat, so much as may be necessary ; $6,600 . BRINGING HOME PERSONS CHARGED WI TH CRIME Bringing home trim- 2. 10 finals.

For every expenditure requisite for or incident to the bringing S., see. 1271, P- home from foreign countries of p ersons charged with crime as U. S.C.,p.511.

authorized by section 5275 of the Revised Statutes (U . S. C ., title 18, sec. 659), $2,000 . GEN ER AL PR OVI SI ONS Minor purchases, etc ., without advertis-

Section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U. S. C ., title 41, sec. 5) ig.

shall not apply to any purchase or service rendered payable from Beepers, etc. quarters,