Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1440

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45Vol 141P

72d CONGRESS . SESS . II. CHS . 154 -156 . MARCH 1, 1933 . . 4493 122 0; Vol. their successors and assigns, by Act of Congress approved March 2, 46, p . 551, amended . 1927, heretofore extended by Acts of Congress approved March 6, 1928 , Feb ruary 19, 1929, and June 10, 1 930, are h ereby furt her extended one and three years, res ectively, from March 2, 1933 . Amendment .

SEC . 2. The right to alter, amen, or repeal this Act is hereby expre ssly reser ved . A pprov ed, M arch 1, 1933 . [CHAPTER 155.] March 1, 1933 .

AN ACT [H. R. 14602.]

To revive and reenact the Act entitled "An Act granting the consent of Congress [Public, No . 398.] to the H ighwa y Dep artme nt of the State of Alabama to const ruct a bri dge acr oss Elk River between Lauderdale and Limestone Counties, Alabama," approved February 16, 1928 . Be it enact ed by the Senat e and Hous e of Repre senta tives of the Elk River.

United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Act Time extended for bridging, bet ween approved February 16, 1928, granting the consent of Congress to the Lauderdale and Lime- tone Coun ties, Ala . Highw ay De partm ent of the Stat e of Alaba ma to cons truct , mai n- Vol . 45, p. 109. tain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto across the Elk River, at a point suitable to the interest of navigation on the Athens- Florence Road between Lauderdale and Limestone Counties, in the State of Alabama, be, and the same is hereby revived and reenacted : PreVi8o.

Provided, meIICement and COm

That this Act shall be null and void unless the actual con- Limitation and oom . struction of the bridge herein referred to be commenced within one plet ion .

year and completed within three years from the date of approval hereof . Amendment .

S EC. 2. The ri ght to alt er, a mend, or r epeal this Act is he reby expressly reserved . Ap prove d, Ma rch 1, 1933 . [CHAPTER 156 .] Mobile Bay. Time extended for brid ging, bet ween Ce- dar Point and Daup hin Island, Ala . Vol.44,p.1242; Vol. 46, p . 65, amended . Amendment. AN ACT March 1, 1933. [H . R. 14657 .] To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a rail- [Public, No . 399 .]

road bridge and/or a toll bridge across the water between the mainland at or near Cedar Point and Dauphin Isla nd, A labam a . Be it enacted by the . Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, T hat the ti mes for commencing and completing the construction of a railroad bridge and/or a toll bridge across the water between the mainland at or near Cedar Poin t and Daup hin I sland , Ala bama, auth orize d to be built by the Dau phin Islan d Rai lway and Harbor Com pany, its successors and assigns, by an Act of Congress approved February 25, 192 7, heretofore extended by an Act of Congress approved February 7, 193 0, are hereby extended one and three years, respectively, fr om February 25, 1933 . SEC. 2 . The ri ght to alt er, a mend, or r epeal this Act is he reby expressly reserved . Ap prove d, Ma rch 1, 1933 .