Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1517

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 212. MARCH 3, 1933 .

1493 DI VISI ON OF APP OINT MENT S Appointments Divi- sion. Salaries : For the chief of the division, and other personal services so nn ief, and office per- in the District of Columbia, $42,570 . OFFICE OF DISBURSING CLERK Salaries : For the disbursi ng clerk and other personal services in of f ic e

lark' and the District of Columbia, $50,362 . BUREAU OF CUS TOMS

Customs Bureau . Collecting the revenue from customs : For collecting the revenue collecting customs from customs, for the detection and prevention of frauds upon the customs revenue, and not to exceed $10,000 for the securing of evidence of violations of the customs laws, for expenses of trans- portation and transfer of customs receipts from points where there Transfe r of re ceipts fr om points lacking are no Government depositories, not to exceed $35,000 for allowances Government deposi- for living quarters including heat, fuel, and light, as authorized by to Living quarte 1s, al. the Act approved June 26, 1930 (U . S. C., Supp . V, title 5, sec . 118a), lowa1es,e 818. but not to exceed $720 for any one person, not to exceed $5,000 for u. s. c., Supp. VI, the hire of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, not to exceed p ' Veehicles, newspa- $500 for su bscrip tions to new spaper s, and includ ing th e purc hase pare, etc . (not to exceed $25,000), exchange, maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles when necessary for official us e in field work, $19,900,000, of which such amou nt as may be necessary shall be available for the cost of seizure, storage and die- Expenses of eizu es, under

. position of any merchandise, vehicle and team, automobile, boat, air or wat er craft, or any o ther conv eyance se ized unde r the pro visions - ~ of the customs laws, and $435,000 shall be available for personal WS~cs in the Dis- services in the District of Columbia exclusive of ten persons from Field de tails . the field force authorized to be detailed under section 525 of the Vol.46,p.741. Tariff Act of 1930 : Provided, That no part of this appropriation Moor vehicle restate . shall be expended for maintenance or repair of motor-propelled Lion . passenger-carrying vehicles for use in the District of Columbia except one for use in connection with the work of the customhouse in Georgetown . Bureau of the Budg- BUREAU OF TJ E BUDGET

et. Salaries and expenses : Director, Assistant Director, and all other personnel, and other necessary expenses of the bureau, including compensation of attor- expenses. neys and other employees in the District of Columbia ; contract stenographic reporting services, telegrams, telephone service, law books, books of reference, periodicals, stationery, furniture, office equipment, other supplies, traveling expenses, street-car fares ; $145,700 . Fo r printin g and bin ding, $32 ,000 .

Printing and bind- For Farm Loan FEDERAL FARM LOAN BUREAU S ALARI ES AND EXPENSES For six members of the board and other personal services in the office and eld forces s`. d' District of Columbia and in the field ; traveling expenses of the members of the bo ard and i ts office rs and e mployees ; con tingent a nd Contingent expenses . miscellaneous expenses, including law books, books of reference, periodicals, newspapers, and maps ; contract stenographic reporting services, and expert services for the preparation of amortization tables ; examination of national farm loan associations ; and for the expenses of registrars' offices, including rent and miscellaneous items
