Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1546

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72d C ONGRESS . SASS . II. CH. 213. MARCH 3, 1933 . the discretion of the Secretary of the Navy ; newspapers and periodi- cals for the naval service ; all advertising of the Navy Department and its bureaus (except advertising for recruits for the Bureau of Navigation) ; cost of suits ; relief of vessels in distress ; recovery of valuables from shipwrecks ; maintenance of attach„s abroad, Living quarters, etc . including office rental and pay of employees, and not to exceed Voi. 48, p . 313 .

$4,200 in the aggregate or $450 for any one person for allowances pu0.s. C., Supp. VI, for living quarters, including heat, fuel, and light, as authorized by the Act approved June 26, 1930 (U . S . C., Supp. V, title 5, sec . 118a) ; the c ollect ion an d clas sifica tion o f infor mation ; not to exceed $170,000 for telephone, telegraph, and teletype rentals and tolls, tele- grams, radiograms, and cablegrams ; postage, foreign and domestic and post-office box rentals ; necessary expenses for interned persons and prisoners of war under the jurisdiction of the Navy Department, inclu ding f uneral expen ses fo r such intern ed per sons o r pris oners of war as may die while under such jurisdiction ; payment of claims Damage claims .

for damages as provided in the Act making appropriations for the Vol.41p.132. u. s . d., p.1127.

naval service for the fiscal year 1920, approved July 11, 1919 (U. S. C., title 34, sec. 600) ; and other necessary and incidental Prooleoe .

expenses ; in all, $971,304 : Provided, That no part of any appropria- Restric tion on us e in certain naval distrlcta .tion contained in this Act shall be available for the expense of an y naval district in which there may be an active navy yard, naval training station, or naval operating base, unless the commandant of the naval dist rict shal l be also the comma ndant of one o f suc h establishments : Provided further, That the sum to -be paid out of Group IV (b) em- this appropriation for employees assigned to Group

(b) and ployees . etc . those performing similar services carried under native and alien schedules in the Schedule of Wages for Civil Employees in the Field Service of the Navy Department shall not exceed $518,000 . CONTINGENT, NAVY Contingent, Navy . For all emergencies and extraordinary expenses, exclusive of per- -.onal services in the Navy Department or any of its subordinate bureaus or offices at Washington, District of Columbia, arising at home or a broad, bu t impossi ble to be anticipa ted or cl assified, to be expended on the approval and authority of the Secretary of the Navy, a nd for such purpos es as he may deem p roper, and f or exa mi- nation of estimate s for app ropriatio ns and of naval ac tivities in the field for any branch of the naval service, $15,000 . StateMarine Schools.

STATE MARINE SCHOOLS, ACT M ARCH 4, 1911 Reimbursing Call- To reimburse the State of California, $25,000 ; the State of Massa- fornia Massachusetts,

9 Now }York, and Penn- chusetts, $25,000 ; the State of New York, $25,000 ; and the State of sylvania, for expenses . Pennsylvania, $25,000, for expenses incurred in the maintenance and Vol . .0,p 1353 . . support of marine schools in such States as provided in the Act autho rizin g the est ablis hment of marin e sch ools, and so f orth, approved March 4, 1911 (U . S . C ., title 34, sec . 1121), and for the Maint enance of ves- maintenance and repair of the particular vessels loaned by the United sels loaned . States to the said Mates on the date of the approval of this Act for use in connection with such State Marine Schools, $110,400, and no other vessels shall be furnished by or through the Navy Depart- ment ; in all, $210,400 . Lepers, etc .

dIARE OF LEPERS, AND SO FORTH, ISLAND OF GUAM Care, etc., P. I. C ull on, Naval station, island of Guam : For maintenance and care of lepers, special patients, and for other purposes, including cost of