Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/155

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 125 . APRIL 22, 1932 .

131 Colu mbia gove rnme nt, d epar tment , or esta blis hmen ts co ncer ned . All tl s

r pa- sums paid to the Superintendent of Saint Elizabeths Hospital for tenance account. the care of patients that he is authorized by law to receive shall be deposited to the credit on the books of the Treasury Department of the appropriation made for the care and maintenance of the patients at Saint Elizabeths Hospital for the year in which the support, cloth ing, a nd tre atment is p rovide d, and be su bject to re quisit ion by the disbursing agent of Saint Elizabeths Hospital, upon the approval of the Secretary of the Interior . COLUMBIA INSTITUTION FOR THE DEAF

Columbia Institu- tion for the Deaf . For support of the institution, including salaries and incidental Maintenance. expenses, books and illustrative apparatus, and general repairs and improvements, $1 2 8, 00 0 . HOWARD UNIVERSITY

Howard University. Salaries : For payment in full or in part of the salaries of the salaries. officers, professors, teachers, and other regular employees of the uni- versity, the balance to be paid from privately contributed funds, $450,000, of which sum not less than $2,200 shall be used for normal instruction ; General expenses : For equipment, supplies, apparatus, furniture, General expenses . cases and shelving, stationery, ice, repairs to buildings and grounds, and for other necessary expenses, including reimbursement to the appropriation for Freedmen's Hospital of actual cost of heat and light furnished, $225,000 ; Total, Howard University, $675,000 . FREEDMEN'S HOSPITAL

F'reedmen'snospital. For officers and employees and compensation for all other profes- salaries, siona l and other servic es th at may be re quired and e xpres sly ap proved by th e Secr etary of the Inte rior, $195,980 ; for subsistence, fuel and Contingent expenses. light clothing, to include white duck suits and white canvas shoes Ante, p . 9z for t ie use of in ternes , and rubbe r surg ical g loves, bedd ing, f orage, medicine, medical and surgical supplies, surgical instruments, electric lights, repairs, replacement of X-ray apparatus, furniture, including not exceeding $300 for the purchase of books, periodicals, and newspapers ; and not to exceed $1,200 for the special instruction of pupil nurses and other absolutely necessary expenses, $94,500 ; in all, for Freedmen's Hospital, $293,480 of which amount one-half Divis ion of ex penses. shall be chargeable to the District of eolumbia and paid in-like manner as other appropriations of the District of Columbia are paid . SEC. 2. Appro riations herein made for field work under the Field work appropri . ations a vailable for General Land 0 ce, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Bureau of work animals, etc . Recl amati on, the Geolo gica l Sur vey, and the Nati onal Park Serv ice shall be available for the hire, with or without personal services, of work animals and animal-drawn and motor-propelled vehicles and equipment : Provided, That no part of any money appropriated by 10`80- Limi to n am ount for this Act shall be used for purchasing any motor-propelled passenger- motor vehicles . carrying vehicle (except busses, ambulances, and station wagons) at a cost, completely equipped for operation, in excess of $750, except where, in the judgment of the department, special requirements can not thus be efficiently met, such exceptions, however, to be limited to Exception not to exceed 10 per centum of the total expenditures for such motor vehicles purchased during the fiscal year including the value of a vehicle exchanged where exchange is involved ; nor shall any money