Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1551

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 213. MARCH 3, 1933.

1527 one motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicle, to be used only for official purposes, $89,242 ; In a ll Naval Home, $ 166,048, which s um shall be paid out of t he pen siyonfund•m naval income I rom the naval pe nsion fu nd . Bureau of Engineer. ing . BUREAU OF ENGINEERING ENGINEERING For repairs, preservation, and renewal of machinery, auxiliary E ngine erin g rep airs, ~~ machinery, and boilers of naval vessels, yard craft, and ships' boats, machinery. distilling and refrigerating apparatus ; repairs, preservation, and renewals of electric interior and exterior signal communications and all electrical appliances of whatsoever nature on board naval ves- sels, except range finders, battle order and range transmitters and indica tors, and motors and their contr ollin g app aratus used to operate machinery belonging to other bureaus ; searchlights and fire- control equipmen ts for antiaircr aft defense at s hore stations


Equ ipment,suppl ies, te nance an d operat ion of c oast sig nal serv ice ; e quipage, supplie s, e t ' and mate rials un der the cognizan ce of th e bureau required for the maintenance and operation of naval vessels, yard craft, and ships' boats ; purchase, installation, repair, and preservation of machinery, tools, and appliances in navy yards and stations, accident prevention, pay of classified field force under the bureau ; incidental expenses for naval vessels, navy yards, and stations, inspectors' offices, the engi- neering experiment station, such as photographing, technical books and periodicals, stationery, and instruments ; services, instruments, machines and auxiliaries, apparatus, and supplies, and technical books and periodicals necessary to carry on experimental and re- search work ; maintenance and equipment of buildings and grounds at the engineering experiment station, Annapolis, Maryland ; pay- ginennnapoegMd .. ment of part time or intermittent employment in the District of station . Columbia or elsewhere of such scientists and technicists as may be contracted for by the Secretary of the Navy, in his discretion, at a rat e of pay not exceeding $20 per di em for any person so emplo yed ; in all, $17, 945,950, of whic h $250,000 shall be available New toms and ma° exclusiv ely for the proc urement and inst allation of new t ools and chinery for shops . machinery for shops under the cognizance of the Bureaus of En- gineering and Construction and Repair, and $540,000 shall be avail- able exclusively to complete the purchase of certain inventions per- tai ni ng to ra dio control as cov er ed by the pur ch ase agreement entered into by the Navy Department on July 30, 1932, in pursuance of the a uthority vested in the S ecretary of the N avy by t he Naval Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1933 : Provided, That the sum Limit • on sum for to be paid out of this appropriation for employees assigned to Group Group IV (b) employ- IV (b) a nd those perform ing simi lar serv ices carr ied unde r native and alien schedules in the Schedule of Wages for Civil Employees in the Field Service of the Navy Department shall not exceed $1,796,000 . BUREAU OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR

do Bu reau f For preservation and completion of vessels on the stocks and in ordinary ; purchase of materials and stores of all kinds ; steam steerers, steam capstans, steam windlasses, and all other auxiliaries ; labor in navy yards and on foreign stations ; accident prevention ; purchase of machinery and tools for use in shops ; carrying on work of e xper imen tal mode l ta nk and w ind tunn el ; designing naval vesse ls ; construction a nd repair of yar d craft, lighters , and barges ; Construction and re- pair of vessels .