Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1557

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II . CH. 213. MAR CH 3, 1933 .

1533 na nce and general operatio n of mac hinery o f naval fuel dep ots and fuel plants ; water for all purposes on board naval vessels, and ice for the cooling of water, includ ing the expense of transportation and ~•esai; charged to storage of both, $6,459,575 : Provided, That fuel acquired other than applicable a ppropria. by purchase shall not be issued without charging the applicable t'on ' appropriation with the cost of such fuel at the rate current at the time of issue for fuel purchased : Provided further, That the Pres i- haPd~ for f uel on dent may direct the use wholly or in part, of fuel on hand, however acquired, to be charged at the last issue rate for fuel acquired by purchase, when in his judgment prices quoted for supplying fuel are excessive : Provided further, That no part of this appropriation Restriction on use, shall be available, any provision in this Act to the contrary notwith- etc., of foreign fuel oil . standing, for the purchase of any kind of fuel oil of foreign pro- duction for issu e, delivery, or sale to ships at points either in the United States or its possessions where oil of the production of the United States or its possessions may be procurable, notwithstanding that oil of the production of the United States or its possessions may cost more than oil of foreign production, if such excess of cost, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Navy, which shall be conclusive, be not unreasonable . BUREAU OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY ME DICA L DE PART MENT Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. For surgeons' necessaries for vessels in commission, navy ya rds, s~ • '•~ ~~ naval stations, and Marine Corps ; and for the civil establishment Civil establishmentt at the several naval hospitals, navy yards, naval medical supply depots, Naval Medical School and dispensary, Washington, and Naval Academy ; for tolls and ferriages ; purchase of books and stat ion ery ; hygienic and san itary in vestigat ion and illustra tion ; sanitary, hygienic, administrative, and special instruction, including the issuing of naval medical bulletins and supplements ; purchase and repairs of nonpassenger-carrying wag on s, au tom ob ile ambu- lances, and har ness ; p ur cha se of and fe ed for horses and cows ; maint enanc e, rep air, and o perati on of thre e pass enger -carr ying vehicles , etc . motor vehicles for naval dispensary, Washington, District of Colum- bia, and of on e motor-propelle d vehicle for of ficial use only for the medical officer on out-patient medical service at the Naval Academy

trees, plants, care of grounds, garden tools, and seeds ; incidental articl es for t he Naval Medical School and nava l dispen sary, Wa sh- ington, naval medical supply depots, sick quarters at Naval Academy and marine barracks ; washing for medical department at Naval Medic al Sc hool a nd na val d ispens ary, Washi ngton, nava l med ical supply depots, sick quarters at Naval Academy and marine barracks, dispensaries at navy yards and naval stations, and ships ; and for minor repairs on build ings and grounds of the United S tates Na val Medical School and naval medical supply de ots ; rent of rooms for naval dispensa ry, Wash ington, District of Colu mbia, no t to exc eed $1,200 ; for the care, maintenance, and treatment of the insane of the Care, etc, of insane Navy a nd Marin e Corps on the P acific c oast, in cluding supernum er- on Pacific coast. aries held for transfer to Saint Elizabeths Hospital i for dental out- fits and dental material ; and all other necessary contingent expenses ; in all; $1,791,634 : Provided, That the sum to be paid out of this ‡-1130 Limit on sum for appropriation for employees assigned to Group IV (b) and those Group iv (b) ft- performin g similar servi ces carried unde r native and alie n schedules p l Oj ees' in t he Sched ule of W ages for Civil E mployees in the F ield Ser vice of the Navy Department shall not exceed $200,000 .