Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1597

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH.281. MARCH 4, 1933 . GENERAL STAFF CORPS CONTINGENCIES, MILITARY INTELLIGENCE DIVISION For contingent expenses of the Military Intelligence Division, General Staff Corps, and of the military attaches at the United States embassies and legations abroad, including the purchase of law b ooks, profession al books of ref erence, and subs criptions to new s- papers and periodicals ; for the hire of interpreters, special agents, and guides, and-for such other purposes as the Secretary of War may deem proper, including $5,000 for the actual and necessary expenses of officers of the Army on duty abroad for the purpose of observing operations of armies of foreign states at war, to be paid upon certif- icates of the Secretary of War that the expenditures were necessary for obta ining mil itary inf ormation, $39,990, to be ex pended und er the dire ctio n of the Se cret ary of War : Provided, That section 3648, Revised Statutes (U . S . C., title 31, sec. 529), shall not apply to pay- ments made fro m appropriation s contained in t his Act in compl iance with the laws of foreign countries or their ministerial regulations under wh ich the m ilitary a ttaches a re requir ed to ope rate . ARMY WAR COLLEGE For expenses of the Army War Colle , being for the purchase of the necessary special stationery ; text ooks, books of reference, scientific and professional papers, newspapers, and periodicals ; maps ; police utens ils ; e mployment of tempo rary, tec hnical, o r special serv- ices, and expenses of special lecturers ; for the pay of employees (not to exceed $60,093) ; and for all other absolutely necessary expenses, $63,927. ADJUTANT GENERALS DEPARTMENT CO MMA ND AND GENERAL STAFF SCHOOL, FORT I MA VENWORTH, KANS AS For the purchase of textbooks, books of reference, scientific and professional papers, instruments, and ma terial for instruction ; employment of temporary technical, special, and clerical services ; and for other necessary expenses of instruction, at the Command and General Sta ff School, Fort Leavenworth, Ka nsas, $33,000 . WE LFA RE OF ENLIS TED MEN 1573 General Staff Corps . Military Intelligeno Division . Contingent expenses . Observing operations of foreign armies . Proviso. Conditions w aived . R.S.,sec.3648, p.718. U.8. C.,p. 1089. Army War College . Instruction expenses . Employees, etc . Adjutant General's Department . Fort Leavenworth, Bans . Command and Gen- eral Staff school . Welfare of enlisted men. Equipment, etc ., of post exchanges . Trav el . For the equipment and conduct of school, reading, lunch, and amusement rooms, service clubs, chapels, gymnasiums, and libraries, includin g periodicals an d other publicat ions and subscr iptions for newspapers, salaries and travel of civilians employed in the hostess and l ibrary se rvices, t ransporta tion of b ooks and equipment for thes e services, rental of films, purchase of slides for and making repairs to moving-picture outfits, and for similar and other recreational purposes at training and mobilization camps now established or which may be hereafter established, and travel (not to exceed $825), $66,778 : Provided, That the Secretary of War shall deposit in the Proviso . Treas ury of th e United States th e unoblig ated bala nces on J anuary Ar my," esta blished d ' 12, 1 933, to the cred it of the funds unobligated ent itled " Other fu nds" and "Stars and Stri pes" the m oney so d eposi ted to be credited to a fund to be entitled " Recreation fund, Army," and such time . ailable onlyinwar fund shall not be subject to withdrawal except in time of war, when it shall be available for expe nditure b y the Secr etary of War for t he recreation, amusement, comfort, contentment, and health of the enlisted personnel of the Military Establishment .