Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/161

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72d CONGRESS. SESS. I . CHS . 134, 136 . APRIL 23, 25, 1932 .

137 [CHAPTER 136 .] AN ACT To confer jurisdiction on the Court of Claims to hear and determine certain claims of the Eastern or Emigrant and the Western or Old Settler Cherokee Indians against the United States, and for other purposes . rights over such lands as in the opinion of the Secretary may be necessary for the protection of Federal or private irrigation in the vi ci n it y . Notice of such res ervation or of the necessi ty of exe cuting such prescribed contract shall be filed in the General Land Office and in the appropriate local land office and notations thereof shall be made upon the appropriate tract books, and any location or entry thereaft er made u pon or fo r such la nds, and any pate nt theref or shall be subject to the terms of such contract and/or to such reserved ways, rights, or easements and such entry or patent shall contain a referenc e thereto . SEC. 2. The Secretary of the Interior may prescribe such rules and regulations as may be necessary to enable him to enforce the provi- sions of this Act . App roved, April 23, 1 932 . tobe of Notice pub of res lic er record. vation Force and effect . Regulations to be prescribed. April 25, 1932 .

[s .2405.1 [Public, No . 105 .1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Cherokee Indiana in United States o f America in Congress assembled, That all claims Oklahoma, against the United States of the Eastern or Emigrant Cherokees, and Emigrant,ofEa We o the Western Cherokee or Old Settler Indians, so called, who are duly annor Old Sett ler a enrolle d memb ers of the C heroke e Trib e of In dians in Okl ahoma, as court of claims . classes, respectively, may be submitted to the Court of Claims, and jurisdiction is hereby conferred upon the Court of Claims, notwith- Jurisdiction con. standing the lapse o time or statutes of limitation, to hear, examine, tarred . statutes of limitation adjudicate, and render judgment in any and all legal and equitable waived. claims arising or growing out of any treaty or agreement between the Uni ted St ates a nd the Chero kee In dians, or ari sing o r grow ing out of any Act of Congress in relation to Indian affairs, which the said Ea stern or Emi grant and We stern or Old Settle r Cher okees may have against the United States, which claims have not heretofore been determined and ad~,j udicated on their merits by the Court of Claims or the Supreme Court of the United States and paid in full Provided, That said Eastern or Emigrant and Western or Old Set- Provisos . Joi nt or separate tier Cherokee Indians may act together or as two bodies hereunder as suits . the y ma y be advis ed : Provi ded f urthe r That the said Eastern or Intervention in pending suits. Emigrant and Western or Old Settler Cherokees may intervene in' any suit or suits now pending in the Court of Claims under authority of the Act of Congress approved March 19, 1924 (43 Stat . L . 27, 28), Vol . 43,P .28. in which the Chero kee Natio n is part y plainti ff and th e United States party defendant. SEC . 2 . Any and all claims against the United States within the Petitions to be iced purview of this Act shall be forever barred unless suit or suits or within six months . intervening petition shall be filed, subject to amendment, however, as herein rovided in the Court of Claims within six months from the date ofpapproval of this Act, and such suit or suits shall make the Eastern or Em igrant and/o r West ern or Old Se ttler Cherok ees pa rty or parties plaintiff and the United States party defendant . The verifica tion, petition or petitions shall be verified by the attorney or attorneys employed to prosecute such claim or claims under contract or con- tracts with t he sai d Indi ans ap proved in acc ordanc e with exist ing laws, and said contract or contracts shall be executed in their behalf by a committee or committees selected by said Indians or provided by e x is t in g l aw . Officia l letters , papers, document s, and re cords, ma ps, Evidence admitted .