Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1653

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· IV INDEX. Alaska-Continued. Page. Mining claims, suspension of annual as- sessment work___ ____ ___________ 290 Mount McKinley National Park, boundary modified______________ 68 Petersburg, bond lssue authorized_____ 299 Relief loans, terms on________________ 710 Road Commissiouers, duties of, trans- ferred to Interior DepartmenL___ 446 Transfer of appropriatioils, equip- ment, materials, etc___________ 446 Alaska Railroad. See Alaska. Albania, appropriation for envoy extraor- dinary, etc., to_________________ 476,1373 Albrook Field, Canal Zone: Appropriation for construction at____ _ Construction, etc., sums authorized___ _ Amount reappropriated for________ _ Albuquerque, N. Mex., appropriation for 718 720 1580 education of Indians ____________ 105,834 Alburgh, Vt., time extended for bridging Lake Champlain at_______________ 775 Alcohol, manufacture of, in Osage County, Okla., forlawful pllrposes, permitted_ 302 Alderson, W. Va., appropriation for maintenance, etc., Federal Industrial Institution for Women __________ 494,1386 Alexandria Bay, N. Y ., time extended for bridging Saint Lawrence River aL_ 83,806 Algonquin, III., time extended for bridging FoxRiverat. _______________ _____ 58 Alien Property Custodian, aubmobile ex- penses, use of funds forbidden for___ 453 Aliens. See also Immigration; Naturali- zation. Appropriation for medical inspection oL _________________________ 590, 1499 Contract labor, appropriatIon for en- forcing provisions increased______ 145 Foreign diplomatic officials' employees, departure when eiIlployment ceases_ 524 Husoands of American citizens, quota exemption_ __ ____ ____ __ ____ _____ 656 Nonimmigrant status of, when entering to engage in trade_______________ 608 Olympic games, 1932, admission of, for participation_ ___ ____ __ ___ ______


Reentry of deported; application_____ 166 Students, bond to guarantee departure_ 524 Tax on, See Income Tax, Nonresident aliens. Veterans of World War, naturalization privileges extended to, residing in United States_ __ ____ ______ __ ___ 165 Virgin Islands, nonquota status of na- tives residing in foreign countries__ 336 Allegheny County, Pa., bridge authorized across Monongahela River at Pitts- burgh, Pa., by__ _________ __ ____ ___ 47 Allegheny River, bridge authorized across, Page. between O'Hara and Sharpsburg, Pa._ 1414 Alleys, D. C. See District of Columbia. Alternate Jurors. See United States Courts; Jurors. Althing, The (National Parliament of Ice- land), appropriation for participation in anniversary oL_________________ 486 Ambassadors, appropriation for ______ 476,1373 American Battle Monuments Commis- sion. See Independent Offices. American Ephemeris and N auticllll Alma- nac, appropriation for pay of com- puterspreparing___.____________ 443, 1541 American Ethnology, appropriation for researches________________________ 465 American Foreign Service Association. See State Department. American Historical Association, appro- priation for printing report of ______ 466 American International Institute for the Protection of Childhood, appropria- tion for contribution ___________ 485, 1376 American Legion: Loan of War Department equipment for convention at Portland, Oreg., authorized_____________________ 298 Memorial building, Abilene, Tex., time extended for constructing________ 86 American National Red Cross: Cotton, delivery of Government-owned, to_____________________________ 797 Exchange of, for wool articles author- ized_________________________ 1544 Wheat and cotton, delivery of Govern- ment-owned to, directed_________ 605 Appropriation for __ __ __ __ __ __ _____ 741 Wheat, distribution of Government- owned by, authorized____________ 61 American Pharmaceutical Association, transfer of land in District of Colum- bia to, authorized_________________ 154 American Printing House for the Blind, appropriation fOL _____________ 597,150!} American Seamen. See Seamen, Ameri- can. Ammunition Storage Facilities. See Navy Department. Anacostia Park, D. C., appropriation for development oL _________________ _ Anacostia River. See District of Colum- bia. Andersonville National Cemetery, Ga., road right of way through, author- ized ____________________________ _ 376 139 Andrus, John H., annuity payment. _ __ __ 471 Angeles National Forest, Calif., appro- priation for ___________________ 627,1449 Angus, Grace K., payment to___________ 1602