Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1671

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.. XXll INDEX. Coal. See Minerals. Pare. Coal, Coke, and Derivatives, tax on___ ___ 260 Coast and Geodetic Suney. See alar, Commerce, Department of. Enlistment allowance suspended______ 1519 Field work, application of airplane to; purchase of cameras, etc_________ 1401 Potsdam, Germany, observation at____ 510 Retired pay of officers, fiscal year 1933 _ 402 Subsiswnce restrictions ___________ 511,1401 Coast Artillery. See War Department. Coast Guard. See al80 Treasury Depart- ment. Building for, work discontinued ____ 593, 1502 Economy Act provisions, retired, etc., pay___________________________ 1514 Enlistment allowance suspended______ 1519 Government Island, Alameda, Calif., appropriation available for build- ing _ _______________________ 645, 1466 Port Orford station, Oreg., appropria- tion continued for_______________ 539 Retired pay of officers, fiscal year 1933 _ 402 Technical services, employment oL _ 587, 1496 War-time commissioned rank given warrant officers and enliswd men, on retiremenL_____ __ __ __ __ __ ___ 150 Coast Pilot, appropriation for compilation oC ___________________________ 510,1400 Cobscook Bay, appropriation for joint investigation, United States and Canada__________________________ 485 Coehiti Pueblo Indians, N. Mex., sum available for damages, loss of lands, etc______________________________ 533 Coeke County, Tenn., time extended for bridging French Broad River be- tween, and Jefferson County, Tenn_ _ 36 Coeonut Oil, duty on, from Philippine Islands__________________________ 764 Code of Civil Procedure, Canal Zone: PRELIMIN ART PROVISION8-- Definitions____ . __ ___ __ __ __ ____ ___ 908 COURTS Oll' JUSTICE-- General provisions respecting_ ______ 910 Judges; powers, disquallficat:on oL _ 911 Conduct of proceedings__________ 912 A'rl'ORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW- Admission; oaths; duties___________ 913 Authority; removal or suspension___ 914 CIVIL ACTION8-- Formof_________________________ 916 TIME Oll' COMllENCING-- General provisions ________ -------- 918 PARTIl!lS TO-- Assignments not to prejudice de- fense________________________ 919 Suits for seduction; actions for wrongful death_______________ 920 Joinder of plaintiffs and defendants_ 921 Code of Civil Procedure, Canal Zone-- Pare. Continued. PARTIES To--Continued. Real property actions; commercial paper; insurance policies_ ______ 922 Abawment of actions; substitution of defendanL_________________ 922 Intervention; suits against an as- sociation___ ___ __ __ ____ _____ __ 923 PLACE Oll' TRIAL OF-- Divorce actions; change of venue____ 924 MANNER Oll' COMMENCING- Complaint, endorsement oC________ 924 Summons; issue, service, return oC_ . . 925 Service by puhlication; proof oL____ 926 Divorce actions, process in_________ 927 PLEADINGS IN- Complaint; contents; in divorce actions_ _ ____ ___ __ __________ _ 929 Joinder of causes of action_ ________ 930 Demurrer to complaint____________ 930 Answer; actions to recover insur- ance; counterclaim_ __ _____ ____ 931 Cross-complaint __ _____ ______ _____ 932 Demurrer to answer; grounds for____ 932 Verification oL __ ______ _____ ____ __ 933 General rules of pleading_ __________ 933 Variance; mistakes and amendments 935 PROVISIONAL REMEDIES IN- Arrest; order for; security by plain- tiff; how made________________ 936 Bail; how given; effect oL_________ 937 Personal property; claim and de- livery oL____________________ 939 Security by plaintiff claiming_______ 940 Redelivery to defendant___________ 940 Injunctions; discretionary granting__ 941 When must be denied_ ____________ 942 Attachments_____________________ 944 Receivers________________________ 949 Deposits in court; handling of funds by clerk________________ 951 TRIAL AND JUDGMENT IN- In generaL______ __ ____ __ __ _______ 952 Judgment upon failure to answer____ 954 Issues; mode of trial and postpone- IDents_______________________ 954 Trial by jury; right to_____________ 955 Formation of jury; conduct of trial_______________________ 956 Verdict; general and special_ _______ 959 Replevin suits; entry oL_________ 959 Trial by court_ ______ ______ ______ _ 960 References and trial by referees_____ 960 Trials, provisions relating to; in gen- eraL ________________ . __ ..____ 961 Exceptions; verdict or order in absence of party•.. __________ 961 Bill of exceptions; preparation; fil- ing; contents_______________ 962