Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1754

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INDEX. cv Saint Louis, Mo.: Page. Courthouse, cU!'ltomhouse, etc., cost in- creased________________________ 1613 Time extended for bridging Mississippi River at_______________________ 1563 Saint Maries, Idaho, appropriation for I caring fer graves of fire fighters at_ 626, 14·*7 Saint Paul, Minn.: Post office, customh(luse, etc., cost in- creased________________________ 1613 Tunnel construction authorized_____ 1613 Salt Lake Basin Irrigation Project, Utah: Appropriation for construction; con- tracts required__________________ 116 Balance available for ______ __ _____ __ __ 844 Salt Lake City, Utah, appropriation for assay office___ _________ __ _____ ____ 592 Salvador, appropriation for envoy extraor- dinary, etc., to__ . ______________ 476, 1373 San Bernardino National Forest, Calif., appropriation for improvements__ 627, 1449 San Carlos Indian Reservation, Ariz.: Appropriation for- Industrial, etc., assistance________ 828,829 Irrigation_ __ ________ ________ _____ 100 Balance available for employees' build- ing____________________________ 104 San Diego, Calif.: Contract of M. H. Golden for building at naval operating base, legalized__ 537 Grant of lands in Cleveland National Forest, etc., enlarged____________ 146 Sandpoint, Idaho, bridge authorized across Pend Oreille Lake at______________ 805 San Felipe Pueblo Indians, N. Mex.: Appropriation ror education__________ 105 Deficiency appropriation for land, irri- gation, etc_ _________ __ __ ____ ___ 532 San Francisco Bay, time extended for bridging, between Rincon Hill and Alameda, CaliL __ ________________ 74 San Francisco, Calif.: Appropriation for- Dispatch agency _______________ 477,1375 Hydrographic Office expenses ____ 444,1543 Mint _________________________ 592,1501 Passportagency__________________ 476 Deficiency appropriation for extension of National Cemetery___________ 1615 San Ddefonso Pueblo Indians, N. Mex., deficiency appropriation for _ _______ 532 San Juan Pueblo Indians, N. Mex., sum available for damages, loss of lands, etc______________________________ 533 San Juan, Puerto Rico, appropriation for Hydrographic Office expenses. __ _ 444, 1543 Santa Barbara National FGrest, Calif., appropriation for improvements _ 627, 1449 Santa Fe, N. Mex., appropriation for edu- cation of Indians _______________ 104,834 Santo D<-mlngo Pueblo Indians, N. Mex., Page. sum available for damages, loss of landB,etc________________________ 533 San Ysidro, Calif., appropriation for inter- national bvundary gates, construc- tion of ____________________ . ______ 584 Saratoga, N. Y ., appropriation continued available for survey of battlefield_ __ 541 Sault Sainte Marie, Mich., appropriation for Hydrographic Office expenses_ 444, 1543 Savannah, Ga.: Appropriation for HydrograpWc Office expe~ses ____________________ 444,1543 Naval radio station, transfer authorized_ 1482 Savannah River: Bridge authorized across, at-- Burtons Ferry, Ga_________________ 135 Lincolnton, Ga_ _ ____________ __ ___ 903 Savanna-Sabula Bridge Company, ease- ment granted________ _____________ 606 Scabies in Sheep and Cattle, appropria- tion for eradication_____________ 618,1439 Scales, appropriation for testing railroad- track, mine, etc________________ 506,1396 Schoen Field, Ind., sum authorized for grading landing field_______________ 722 Schools and Colleges, appropriation for militarysupplies________________ 687,1593 School Section Grants. See Public Lands. Scientific Literp,ture, Internationru Cata- logue of, appr0priation for contribu- tio~_____________________________ 465 Scott and Beaman Index, appropri::o.tion available for revision oL___________ 394 Scott Field, m., construction, etc., sumB authorii'ed_ _________ _____ _____ ___ 722 Scranton, Pa., paymect for work per- formed outside Government lot line for post office, etc___ _____ ______ ___ 539 Seacoast Defenses, appropriation for _682, 1588 Seal Fisheries Protection, Alaska, appro- priation for ____________________ 513, 1403 Seamen, American, appropriation for re- lief, protection, etc., oC _____ 478,480,1375 Seattle, Wash.: Appropriation for- Assay office ___________________ 592,1501 Dispatch agency _______________ 477,1375 Hydrographic Office expenses_ ___ 444, 1543 Passport agency__________________ 476 Second Assistant Postmaster General. See Post Office Department. Second Polar Year Program: Deficiency appropriation for contribu- tion___________________________ 538 Sum authorized for participation ex- penses________________________ 68 Secretary of Agriculture: Agricultural-credit corporations, duties of, in connection with_ ________ __ _ 60