Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/3

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LIST OF THE PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS CO NTA INED IN THI S VO LUME . THE SEVENTY-SECOND CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STA TES . FIRST SESSION, 1931-1932 . v Page . Olympic Ga mes 1932 . JOINT RESOLUTION . To permit the temporary entry into the United States under certain conditions of alien participants and officials . of the Third Olympic Winter Games and of the games of the Tenth Olympiad to be held in the United States in 1932 December 19, 1931__ 1 War Polici es Commiss ion . JOINT RESOLUTION Extending the time within which the War Policies Commission is reqw~ired to submit its final report_ _ December 21, 1931-- 2 Veterans' Administration . JOINT RESOLUTION To provide additional appropriations for the Veterans' Administration for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1932

Dece mber 21,1 931__ 2 Employment Service. JOINT RES OLUTI ON M aking an addit iona l ap propr iati on fo r th e Emplo yment Serv ice, Depar tment of L abor, for the f iscal year endi ng Ju ne 30 , 193 2

Dece mber 21,1 931__ 3 Foreign Debt Moratorium . JOINT R ESOLUTION To authorize the postponement of amounts payable to the United States from foreign governments during the fiscal year 1932, and their repayment over a ten-year period beg ~'nning July 1, 1933

Dece mber 23,1 931__ 3 Federal Power Commission . AN ACT Limiting the operation of sections 109 and 113 of the Criminal Code with respect to counsel in the case of the Appalachian Electric Power Compan against George Otis Smith and others December 24, 1931 _ _ 4 Disarmament Conference, expenses . JO INT RESO LUTION T o -provi de an ap propriat ion for expenses of participation by the United States in a general disarmament con- ference to be held in Geneva in 1932 January 20,1932__ 4 Reconstruction Finance Corporation . AN ACT To provide emergency financing facilities for financial institutions, to aid in financing agriculture, commerce, and industry, and for other purposes January 22,1932__ 5 Federal Fa rm Loan Ac t amendments . A N ACT To amend the Federal Farm Loan Act, as amended, to provide for additional capital for Federal land banks, and for other ur- poses January 23,1 pu r- poses

92_- 12 Reconstruction Finance Corporation, subscriptions . JOINT RESOLUTION Making an appro- priation to enable the United States of America to make payments upon subscrip- tions to the capital stock of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation

January 27, 1932__ 14 Bridge, Clarks Fork River . AN ACT Granting the consent of Congress for the construction of a bridge across Clarks Fork River, near Lone, Pend Oreille County, in the State of Washingto n _-- January 28, 1932__ 14 Appropriations, irst Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1 93g. AN ACT Making appropriations to supply urgent deficiencies in certain appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1932, and prior fiscal years, to provide supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1932, and for other purposes February 2, 1932__ 15 Disarmament Conference, expenses . JOINT RESOLUTION Making an appropriation for ex- pense s of parti cipat ion b y the Unit ed St ates in th e gen eral disar mamen t con feren ce at Geneva, Switzerland, in 1932 February 2,1932__ 35 Fede ral La nd Ban ks, subscriptions . JO INT RESO LUTION, Making a n approp riation to enable the Secretary of the Treasury to pay for subscriptions to the capital stock of Federal land banks February 2 1932__ 36 Bridge, Elk River . AN ACT To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Elk River at or near Kelso, Tennessee

February 4,1932__ 36