Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/324

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72d CONGRESS. SESS. f. CHS. 241, 242. JUNE 11, 1932 . town of Petersburg, Alaska at the time of their issuance, and there shall be impressed thereon the official seal of said town . Use o ffends restri ct- SEc. 5 . That no part of the funds arising from the sale of said ed.


bonds sh all be us ed for an y purpose other t han that specified in this Sale of bonds .

Act, and such bonds shall be sold only when, and in such amounts as the common c ouncil sh all direc t, and th e proceed s thereof shall be Division of proceeds . dispensed for the purposes hereinbefore mentioned and under the orders and directions of the said common council from time to time as the same may be required for said purposes hereinabove set forth . Approved, June 11, 1932 . [CHAPTER 242 .1 June 111932. , [H . R .9259.1 To amend section 106 of the Act to codify, revise, and amend the laws relating [Public, No . 16&1

to the judiciary (U. S. C ., title 28, sec. 187) . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States courts, United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 106 Vol. 86, P. 1123 : U, S . C ., p.889, amend- of the Act to codify, revise, and amend the laws relating to the ed. South Dakota Judi- judiciary (U . S . C ., title 28,~, sec . 187) be amended to read as follows : cial d istrict .

"SEc. 106 . The State of south Dakota shall constitute one judicial southern division. district, to be known as the district of South Dakota . The territory embraced on the 1st day of January, 1932, in the counties of Aurora, Beadle, Bon Homme, Brookings, Brule, Charles Mix, Clay, Davison, Douglas, Gregory, Hanson, Hutchinson, Kingsbury, Lake, Lincoln, McCook, Miner, Minnehaha, Moody, Sanborn , Turner, Union, and Yankton, and in the Yankton Indian Reservation, shall constitute Northern division . the southern division of said district ; the territory embraced on the dat e last menti oned i n the counti es of B rown, Campbe ll, Cl ark, Codington, Corson, Day Deuel, Edmunds, Grant, Hamlin, McPher- son, Marshall, Roberts, pi nk, an d Walw orth, and in the p articu lar territory set apart and reserved for the use and benefit of the Sisseton and Wahpeton Bands of the Sioux Tribe of Indians, and known as the Lake Traverse Reservation, and in that portion of Centra l divis ion . the Standing Rock Indian Reservation lying in South Dakota, shall constitute the northern division ; the territory embraced on the date last mentioned in the counties of Armstrong Buffalo, Dewey Faulk, Haakon, Hand, Hughes, Hyde, Jackson, Jerauld, Jones, Lyman, Potter, Stanley, Sully, and Ziebach, and in the Cheyenne River, western division . Lower Brule, and Crow Creek Indian Reservations, shall constitute the - central division ; and the territory embraced on the date last mentioned in the counties of Bennett, Butte, Custer, Fall River, Harding, Lawrence, Meade, Mellette, Pennington, Perkins, Shannon Todd, Tripp, Washabaugh, and Washington, and in the Rosebud Terms. and Pine Ridge Indian Reservations, shall constitute the western di vi si o n . Terms of the distr ict court for the southern division shall be held at Sioux Falls on the third Tuesday in March and the third Tuesday in October ; for the northern division, at Aberdeen on the third Tuesday in April and the second Tuesday in November ; for the central division, at Pierre on the second Tuesday in May and the first Tuesday in October ; and for the western division, at Dead- wood on the first Tuesday in June and the first Tuesday in Septem- Olflces of cler ks, ate . ber . The clerk of the district court shall maintain an ofilce in charge of himself or a deputy at Sioux Falls, at Pierre, at Aberdeen, and at Deadwood, which shall be kept open for the transaction of the business of the court ." Approved, June 11, 1932 . AN ACT