Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/336

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 258. JUNE 14, 1932 . the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for any reason whatsoever, then the commission may acquire such real property in the manner pro- vided by a ct Nu mber ed 33 8 of the Commo nweal th of Pen nsylv ania, approve d July 9, 19 19, an d acts amend atory t hereof and s upplem en- tary thereto, for the acquisition of real property by the aforesaid Pennsylvania Commission . " If the commission is unable to agree with the owner or owners thereof upon terms for the acquisition of any such real property in the State of New Jersey for any reason whatsoever, then the com- mission may acquire and is hereby authorized to acquire such prop- erty, whether a fee simple absolute or a lesser interest, by condemna- tion or the exercise of the right of eminent domain, either under and pursuant to the provisions of the act of the State of New Jersey entitled `An Act to regulate the ascertainment and payment ol compensation for property condemned or taken for public use' (revision of 1900, approved March 20, 1900), and acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, or under and pursuant to the provisions of an act entitled `An Act concerning and regulating acquisition and taking of lands by the State of New Jersey, or any agency thereof ; providing a procedure therefor, and the manner of making compen sation for l ands s o take n,' app roved April 21, 19 20, and the vario us act s amen datory there of and supple mentar y ther eto . eeCondenmatfon- pro- "The power of the commission to acquire real property by con- demnation or the exercise of the power of eminent domain in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the State of New Jersey shall be a continuing power and no exercise thereof shall be deemed to ex haust it . Surveys, maps, etc . " The commission and its duly authorized agents and employees may enter upon any land in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or the State of New Jersey, for the purpose of making such surveys, map s, or oth er examin ations th ereof, as it may d eem neces sary or c on- venient for its authorized purposes . "However, anything to the contrary contained in this compact notwithstanding, no property now or hereafter vested in or held by any county, city, borough, village, township or other municipality or port district shall be taken by the commission without the con- sent of such municipality or port district unless expressly authorized so to do by the Commonwealth or State in which such municipality or port district is located . All counties, cities, boroughs, villages townships, and other municipalities, and all public agencies and commissions of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the State of N ew Jer sey, n otwith standi ng any contra ry pro vision of la w, are hereby authorized and empowered to grant and convey to the com- mission upon its request, but not otherwise, upon reasonable terms and conditions, any real property which may be necessary or con- venient to the effectuation of its authorized purposes, including real property already devoted to public use. "T he Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the State of New Jers ey her eby co nsent to the use a nd occu pation by th e comm ission of any real property of the said two States, or of either of them, which may be or become necessary or convenient to the effectuation of the authorized purposes of the commission, including lands lying under water and lands already devoted to public use . bnstrued, property" cc The term ` real property' as used in this compact, includes lands, structures, franchises, and interests in land, including lands under water and riparian rights, and any and all things and rights usually included within the said term, and includes not only fees ' simple absolute but also any and all lesser interests, such as easements,