Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/360

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS. 283, 284. JUNE 2 8,1932 . [CHA PTER 283 .1 June 28, 1932.

AN ACT [S. 4425 .1 Relating to the immigration and naturalization of certain natives of the Virgin [Public, No. 198.]

Islands . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Virgin Islan ds . United States of America in Congress assembled, That a native of Natives residing in the Virgin Islands of the United States who is now residing in an forelga country ad-


y mitted as n onquota foreign country shall for the purpose of the Immigration Act of immi grant s' Vol . 43, p. 155.

192 4, as amended, be considered as a nonquota immigrant for the purposes of admission to the United States ; but shall be subject to Status of, under im- all the other provi sions of tha t Act and of the im migrat ion la ws, migration laws.

except that- Vol. 39, p. 875.

(a) He shall not be subject to the head tax imposed by section 2 of the Immigration Act of 1917 ; (b) He shall not be required to have a passport, or immigration visa ; (c) If otherwise admissible, he shall not be excluded under section 3 of the Immigration Act of 1917, unless excluded under the provisions of that section relating to- (1) Persons afflicted with a loathsome or dangerous contagious disease ; 2 Pol am (3) Prostitutes, procurers, or other like immoral persons ; (4) Contra ct lab orers ; ( (5 Persons previously deported ; or 6 Per sons c onvict ed of crime . Two-year limitation SEC . 2. The foregoing provisions of this Act shall not apply to any s uch a lien afte r the expi rati on of two years fol lowin g the Deporta tion as pub- enactment of this Act . lic charge .

SEC . 3 . An alien admitted to the United States under this Act shall not be subject to deportation on the ground that he has become applicability of Im- a publ ic cha rge. migration Act of 1924 . SEc . 4 . Terms defined in the Immigration Act of 1924, as amended, shall, when used in this Act, have the meaning assigned to such Vol . 43, p. 153.

terms in that Act . Virgin Islands, cici- xenshlp . SEC . 5 . Section 1 of the Act entitled "An Act to confer United vol . 44. P. 1234 . States citiz enship upon certai n inha bitants of th e Virg in Isl ands amended.

and to exten d the natura lizati on law s there to," a pprove d Febr uary Natives residing in 25, 1927, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following : United States, etc .,

(d) All natives of the Virgin Islands of the United States who declared citizens'

are, on the date of enactment of this subdivision, residing in con- tinental United States, the Virgin Islands of the Unite States, Puerto Rico, the Canal Zone, or any other insular possession or Territory of the United States, who are not citizens or subjects of any foreign country, regardless of their place of residence on January 17, 1917 ." Approved, June 28, 1932 . [CHAPTER 284 .] June 28, 1932. AN ACT [S. 4511 .1 To amend sections '328 and 329 of the United States Criminal Code of 1910 and [Public, No. 199.1

sections 548 and 549 of the United States Code of 1926. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Indians committing United Stdtes o f America in Congress assembled, That section 328 mimes against the per- son or pr ope rty of of the Unite d Stat es Cri minal Code o f 1910 and section 548 of title an oth er

p . et1151 ; 18 of the United States Code of 1926 are hereby amended to read as a U. .S.0,p . 5% amend- follows