Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/413

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 314. JUNE 30, 1 932. Laborer, authorized and named in the resolution of December 19, 1901, $1,350 . Clerk, under the direction of the Clerk of the House, named in the resolution of February 1 :3, 1923, $3,060 . S uccessor s to any of the employee s provid ed for in the fiv e preced - Appointment of suc ing para grap hs m ay be n amed by the Hous e of Rep rese ntat ives at ce s•~' any time . Office of majority floor leader : Legislative clerk, $3,960 ; clerk, Majority floor leader . $3,180 ; assistant clerk, $2,100 ; for official expenses of the majority leader, as authorized by House Resolution Numbered 101, Seventy- first Congress, adopted December 18, 1929, $2,000 ; in all, $11,240. Conference minority : Clerk, $3,180 ; legislative clerk, $3,060 ; Conference minority . assistant clerk, $2,100 ; janitor, $1,560 ; in all, $9,900 . The for egoi ng employees to be appointed by the minority leader . Two messengers, one in the majority 'caucus room and one in the Caucus rooms mes- minority caucus room, to be appointed by the majority and minority sengers . ships, respectively, at $1,740 each, $3,480 . POST OFF ICE Post office . Salaries : Postmaster, $5,000 ; assistant postmaster, $2,880 ; re- Postmaster, assist . istry and money-order clerk, $2,100 ;; thirty-four messengers (nclu5- ant, etc . i ing one to superintend transportation of mails) at $1,740 each


stit ute m esseng ers a nd ex tra s ervice s of regul ar emp loyee s, when required, at the rate of not to exceed $145 per month each, $1,240 ; laborer, $1,260 ; in all, $71,640. For the purc hase , ex cha nge, maintenance, and repair of moto r Motor vehicles. vehicles for carrying the mails, $3,400 . OFFICIAL REPORTERS OF DEBATES Salaries : Seven official reporters of the proceedings and debates of the House at $7,500 each ; clerk, $3,360 ; six expert transcribers at $1,740 each ; janitor, $1,440 ; in all, $67,740 . COMMITTEE STENOGRAPHERS Official reporters . 389 Salaries : Four stenographers to committees, at $7,000 each ; j&n- Stenographers to itor, $1,440 ; in all, $29, 440 .

committees . Whenever the words " during the session " occur in the foregoing to ma ing hsy ~ion '~ par agra phs they shall be construed to mean the one hun dred and twe nty- one days from December 1, 1932, to March 31, 1933, both inclusive. CLE RK HIR E, MEM BER S AND DFT .FGATES For clerk hire necessarily employed by ea ch Member, -Delegate, becler r clerk him oe Mem. and Resident Commissioner, in the discharge of his official and rep- resentative duties, in accordance with the Act entitled "An Act to Vol.48,p.38. fix the compensation of officers and employees of the Legislative u. s. C., supp. V, Branch of the Government," approved June 20, 1929, $2,200,000 .


Contingent expenses . For furniture and materials for repairs of the same, including Furniture, etc ° not to exceed $22,500 for labor` tools, and machinery for furniture repair shops, $42,500 . For packing boxes, $4,000 .

Packing boxes . For miscellaneous items, exclusive of salaries and labor unless miscellaneous items . specif ically o rdered b y the Ho use of R epresenta tives, i ncluding reim- bursem ent to t he offic ial sten ographer s to comm ittees f or the a mounts actually and necessarily paid out by them for transcribing hearings, and including materials for folding, $65,000 .