Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/420

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396 Contingentexpenses . For miscellaneous and contingent expenses, stationery, supplies, stock, and materials directly purchased, miscellaneous traveling expenses, postage, transpor tation, i ncidental expenses connecte d with the adm inistration of the Library and Copyright Office, including Attendance at meet- not exceeding $500 for expenses of attendance at meetings when ~~'

incurre d on t he wri tten a uthori ty and direct ion of the L ibrari an, $9,000 . Pe Photoduplicating ex- For paper, chemicals, and miscellaneous supplies necessary for the operati on of the ph otodup licati ng mac hines o f the Librar y and the making of photoduplicate prints, $5,000. Library Building . Superintendent, etc . Salaries : For the superintendent, disbursing officer, and other personal services, in accor dance wit h the Cla ssificati on Act of 1923, as amen ded, $ 161,82 2 . Sunday, etc ., open- For extra services of employees and additional employees under '

the Libra rian to p rovide fo r the ope i ; ;,ing of the Libr ary Build ing on Sundays a nd on leg al holida ys, at ra tes to be fixed by the Libr arian, $4,500 . services, care of'b, ld- For special and temporary services in connection with the custody, ings . care, and maint enan ce of the Libr ary B uildi ng, i nclu ding extra special services of regular employees at the discretion of the Librarian, at rates to be fixed by the Librarian, $500 . Inciden tal exp enses . For mail, delivery, and telephone services uniforms for guards, stationery, miscellaneous supplies, and all otiier incidental expenses in connection with the custody and maintenance of the Library Building, $8,900 . Government Print- ing Off ice . Public printing and binding . Workin g capit al for . Public Printer, Dep- uty, etc . Holidays. Leaves of abs ence . Contingent expenses . 72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 314. JUNE 30, 1932. CON TING ENT EXPE NSES OF THE LIBR ARY GO VERNMEN T PRINT ING OFFI CE PUBLIC PRINTING AND BINDING : To provide the Public Printer with a working capital for the following purposes for the execution of prin ting, bindin g, lit hograp hing, mapping , engr aving, and o ther authorized work of the Government Printing Office for the various branches of the Government : For salaries of Public Printer, $10,000, and Deputy Public Printer, $7,500 ; for salaries, compensation, or wages of all necessary officers and employees additional to those herein appropriated for, including employees necessary to handle waste paper and condemned material for sale ; to enable the Public Printer to co mply w ith th e prov isions of law grant ing ho lidays and half holidays and Executive orders granting holidays and half holi- days with pay to employees ; to enable the Public Printer to comply with the provisions of law granting thirty days' annual leave to employees with pay ; rents, fuel, gas, heat, electric current, gas and electric fixtures ; bicycles, motor-propelled vehicles for the carriage of prin ting a nd pri nting suppli es, an d the m ainten ance, repair and operation of the same, to be used only for official purposes, including operation, repair, and maintenance of motor-propelled passenger- carrying vehicles for official use of the officers of p the Government' Printing Office when in writing ordered by the Public Printer ; freight, expressage, telegraph, and telephone service ; furniture, type- writers, and carpets ; traveling expenses ; stationery, postage, and advertising ; directories, technical books, newspapers and magazines, and books of reference (not exceeding $500) ; adding and numbering machines, time stamps, and other machines of similar character ; LI BRARY B UILDING